WordPress is the most famous website builder all around the world. Around 33% of the total websites are built on WordPress. One of the main reasons why people prefer to use WordPress for creating their websites is, that it is very user-friendly and easy to install. This article is a complete tutorial that would help you to install WordPress on cPanel. Many hosting companies make the installation even easier on WP cPanel. You don’t need to have any technical experience with WordPress Installation because it is super easy and takes around 5 minutes to complete. This tutorial is a step-by-step guide to installing your WordPress with cPanel that would help beginners in installing WordPress without any trouble. Here, you will get all the information about how to install WordPress on cPanel.
The beginners can access the service-providing companies that offer WordPress installation with just one click. Read the article till the end to get the complete guidance on installing WordPress on cPanel.
Table of Contents
Why use cPanel?
With the advent of cPanel in WordPress, a lot of our work has been reduced. Almost every shared hosting provider that you find today will include a license of cPanel WordPress in your hosting account. If you manage to find one that doesn’t offer cPanel, you’re better off going with one of the best WordPress hosting companies. Okay, so let’s break down this guide. We’ll first list the prerequisites and then move on to the major installation steps.
Prerequisites for This Guide:
- We accept that you’re on a mutual host with cPanel introduced. In case you’re making some hard memories choosing which shared host to go for, you could get it from some online specialist organization.
- You may have FTP access to your public HTML catalog. This is the envelope that will hold the WordPress configuration documents.
- You have a standard database like MySQL.
- You have downloaded the wordpress.zip record and can extricate the data.
Here are the step-by-step instructions to install WordPress manually on cPanel.
Step 1: Download WordPress

The first and foremost step to install WordPress is to download WordPress on your PC. It is recommended to download the most recent version of WordPress. You can decide the location to download WordPress.
Visit WordPress.org to download the recent version of WordPress.
Step 2: Extract the WordPress .ZIP
Once you have downloaded the latest version, now extract the WordPress .ZIP that you have downloaded to the desired location.
Suppose you have a hosting provider using cPanel and make a Subdirectory or Add-On Domain.
In the File Manager, navigate to the Subdirectory. From the cPanel’s top toolbar, select “Upload” and search the file that you have downloaded from WordPress.org. When the uploading of the .ZIP file has been completed, click ← to return the directory and return to the “/home/yourserverhere/public_html/yoursitehere” link.
Now, you can see the wordpress.zip file in the directory root. to select the file, click on it, and at the top, there is a cPanel toolbar, click on “extract”. Once you have extracted “reload” in the toolbar of cPanel you can see the WordPress folder that you have extracted. Now, you can delete the.ZIP file to keep the thing clean and nice.
Step 3: Move the Folders to Root Directories
Now you have an extracted “WordPress” folder, double click on it and you will see all WordPress files inside. Click on the “Select All” box, from the cPanel toolbar. All WordPress files are highlighted now. Select “Move File” from the cPanel toolbar and there you will see a pop-up modal will a link to the directory as “/public_html/yourdirectoryname/wordpress”. From the path, end eliminate the “/wordpress” tail and click on Move File. At this point, all files will be moved to the directory root, and from the toolbar, click “Up One Level” to view them all at once.

Step 4: Create Database and User Database
Go to the main dashboard of your cPanel and click on the “MySQL Database Wizard” icon. When accessing the Database Wizard you will be encouraged to make a New Database. The prefix of your database will appear after a blank area and an underscore for you to keep the name of your database as “yourserver_blankarea “. You have to enter the database name, in the blank areas and keep it safe for future use. The name of your database should be at least 3 characters and it should only have alphanumeric characters. After that fill in your name and click on the“next step”.
You will presently be incited to make a Database end user. Your specific database prefix will show up again pursued by an underscore and a clear territory for you to populate your database username “yourserver_username”.

The database username can’t contain more than seven alphanumeric characters. Spare the username to somewhere safe for future usage. Presently either physically enter a password of your decision or utilize the offered “Password Generator“. simply ensure that your password is solid and secure. Presently click on the button “Make User”.
Since you have made the Database User, you will be brought to a page that requests you to offer many benefits. Tick the crate at the top that peruses “All Privileges” and afterward click the button “Next Step”. Your database is currently set up and you will now be able to proceed onward to connecting the database data to the wp-config.php document.

Step 5: Put database information in the wp-config.php file
Within one’s site directory root, find the doc named “wp-config-sample.php“. Then click on this specific file and select the “Code Editor” from the top toolbar, then again click “Edit” and then open.php file.
As that wp-config-sample.php file is exposed in the Code Editor, it is the right time to initiate the incorporation of your database info…
Trace the line which reads “define(‘DB_NAME‘, ‘database_name_here‘);” and then add your website database name.
find “define (‘DB_USER ‘, ‘username here ‘);” and state your database username.
Locate the line that reads “define (‘DB_PASSWORD ‘, ‘password here‘);” and add your database password.
Step 6: Replace default Salts and Unique Keys
Along with your wp-config-sample.php record still open in the Code Editor, explore the segment that peruses “*Authentication Unique Keys and Salts”. Visit the WordPress Unique Phrase and Salt Key generator or as connected in the offered PDF “Cheat Sheet”. Duplicate the Unique Phrase and Salt Keys created by the API and supplant the default ones situated in the wp-config-sample.php document. When you are done with that, hit “Spare” leave the Code Editor, and come back to the catalog root.

Stage 7: Rename “wp-config-sample.php” to “wp-config.php”
Since you are back in the index’s root, single tick on the wp-config-sample.php record to feature it. From that point click on the “Rename” symbol in the top toolbar and rename “wp-config.sample.php” to “wp-config.php”. Snap the “Rename File” catch and you’re altogether completed with this stage.
Step 8: Run the WordPress Installation Script
Now you are approximately completed with the cPanel bit of this procedure… and for that well done!
Presently the time has come to run the WordPress Installation Script given on the PDF Cheat Sheet. When you have visited the connection for the Installation Script, you will be carried to a page with the URL “https://example.com/wp-administrator/install.php”. Supplant the “example.com” with the location of the site you are making. Hit Return/Enter on your console and the introductory procedure will start. When you have landed at the following screen, select the language of decision for your WordPress to introduce and click “proceed”.
You will at that point be brought to a page inviting you to enter your site’s appropriate data, for example, the site title, your username, your password, and email address. If you are building up another site at this location, it might likewise be a smart thought to tick the container “Debilitate web search tools from ordering this webpage” so Google, Bing, and so forth don’t record your website before it is populated with substance and prepared to dispatch.

WordPress Installation Issues
Some of the common issues often faced by the user during installation are listed below:
Document Root Issues
Because of possible conflicts within the .htaccess folder, don’t organize several WordPress configurations to segment one document root.
If you are facing WordPress difficulties, have a look at the following requirements:
- Each cPanel account client can have just a single configuration of WordPress in the archive root index.
- archive root indexes examples:
- /home/model/public_html/
- /home/model/public_html/addon.com
- /home/model/public_html/subdomain
- Each catalog may just contain one WordPress installation.
- If the subdirectories are not a record root, cPanel account clients can introduce extra installations in subdirectories under the space’s home/model/public_html index.
- The following models exhibit installations that utilize the subdirectory:
- Under the report pull for the principle area:/home/model/public_html/wordpress
- Under a subdomain:/home/model/public_html/subdomain/wordpress
- Under an addon area:/home/model/public_html/addon.com/wordpress
For more information, visit the WordPress site.
Database Connection Errors
In case WordPress restores a database association error, guarantee that the database’s name and password in the wp-config.php record are indistinguishable from the database accreditations within your record.
For a report root installation, the wp-config document exists in the/home/username/public_html catalog, where the username speaks to the cPanel account name.
To change the database’s username or secret phrase, utilize MySQL cPanel’s Databases interface (cPanel >> Home >> Databases >> MySQL Databases).
To test a username and secret word mix, run the accompanying direction (where db_user speaks to the database’s approved username): mysql – u db_user – p
After the end, you enter the directions and enter the client’s password. The framework will react with a triumph or disappointment message.
For the WordPress (heritage) cPAddon, you should not change or erase the default modules and topics that the cPanel establishment gives. WordPress won’t refresh appropriately on the off chance that you adjust any of these documents.
We deplored WordPress (heritage) cPAddon in cPanel and WHM form 64 and incapacitated it in rendition 70. cPanel and WHM servers presently consequently make new establishments with cPAddon’s RPM-based WordPress establishment bundle that we included cPanel and WHM rendition 64.
In WHM version 66& cPanel, we denounced the control feature and will eliminate it in the future. You cannot allow restraint for cPAddons. Any cPAddons that use moderation presently will function but, if you restrict it, you may not be able to reboot moderation.
Learn how to install WordPress manually in cPanel. This article provides step-by-step guidelines for installing WordPress on cPanel. WordPress is very user-friendly and easy to install that why it is preferred by most people. You don’t need to have any technical experience to manually install WordPress because it is super easy and takes a few minutes to complete. Almost every shared hosting provider that you find today will include a license of cPanel WordPress in your hosting account. It is recommended to download the most recent version of WordPress and follow the complete guidelines provided in the article to avoid any issues.
If you still have any issues, ask in the comments.
I hope reading this article, you will be able to install WordPress on cPanel without any trouble. If You think this article is helpful for you, must share it in your circle so other people can get assistance from it. Do share your WordPress installation experience with us in the comments section. If you have installed WordPress on your PC, you can share some tips, so others can benefit from it.
Hammad Mohsin
WordPress is known as the most popular website builder in the world. It powers over 33% of all websites on the internet. The main reason for that is because WordPress is easy to install which makes it easy for anyone to create a website.
Sathish Arumugam
Such a detailed guide on a WordPress installation. Sure, this will more helpful for start-ups who struggle to get started with WordPress. Keep helping this way.
David Milan
Great Tutorial, Points to learning. It will help beginners to start a website with CMS Giant #Wordpress. Thank You
john shelby
WordPress is the biggest advantage for any startup. It doesn’t need much designing in the start but eventually it grows up. Everyone should be very thankful for WP.
WordPress is the easiest way to create a good-looking, functional website from scratch. This is definitely helpful.