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Over 900 extensions available!

TLD/CCTLD Country / Type Registration Terms Price
.bzh $99.00
.club $13.00
.community $27.60
.eus $149.00
.gal $149.00
.kim $25.00
.kiwi $39.99
.moe $29.99
.scot $59.99
.uno $19.99
.wang $19.99

Generic Domains

TLD/CCTLD Country/Type Registration Terms Register Price
.com $13.20
.co $33.59
.net $13.91
.org $12.83
.info $4.21
.academy $27.60
.accountants $88.80
.agency $18.00
.archi $62.22
.army $26.40
.associates $27.60
.attorney $33.00
.auction $26.40
.audio $132.00
.band $19.80
.bar $65.87
.bargains $27.60
.beer $27.60
.best $4.55
.bid $13.69
.bike $27.60
.bio $99.80
.biz $6.66
.black $54.00
.blackfriday $132.00
.blue $15.29
.boutique $27.60
.build $66.00
.builders $27.60
.business $7.79
.buzz $33.45
.cab $27.60
.camera $45.47
.camp $45.47
.capital $43.20
.cards $27.60
.care $27.60
.career $106.80
.careers $43.20
.casa $7.43
.cash $27.60
.cat $35.76
.catering $27.60
.center $18.00
.ceo $90.00
.cheap $27.60
.christmas $48.00
.church $27.60
.city $5.94
.claims $43.20
.cleaning $45.47
.click $10.12
.clinic $43.20
.clothing $27.60
.codes $43.20
.coffee $27.60
.company $7.79
.computer $27.60
.condos $43.20
.construction $27.60
.consulting $26.40
.contractors $27.60
.cooking $27.60
.cool $27.60
.country $27.60
.credit $88.67
.creditcard $130.80
.cricket $13.68
.cruises $43.20
.dance $19.80
.dating $43.20
.deals $27.60
.delivery $44.40
.democrat $26.40
.dental $43.20
.dentist $33.60
.desi $16.80
.design $43.07
.diamonds $43.20
.diet $132.00
.digital $27.60
.direct $27.60
.directory $18.00
.discount $27.60
.domains $27.60
.education $18.00
.email $18.00
.energy $88.80
.engineer $26.40
.engineering $43.20
.enterprises $27.60
.equipment $18.00
.estate $27.60
.events $27.60
.exchange $27.60
.expert $43.20
.exposed $18.00
.fail $27.60
.farm $27.60
.finance $57.30
.financial $52.00
.fish $27.60
.fishing $27.60
.fitness $27.60
.flights $43.20
.florist $27.60
.forsale $27.60
.foundation $40.99
.fund $43.20
.furniture $43.20
.futbol $10.80
.gallery $18.00
.gift $17.87
.gifts $27.60
.glass $45.47
.global $64.67
.graphics $18.00
.gratis $18.00
.gripe $27.60
.guide $27.60
.guitars $132.00
.guru $27.60
.haus $32.40
.healthcare $43.20
.help $27.47
.hiphop $132.00
.hiv $232.80
.holdings $43.20
.holiday $43.20
.horse $27.60
.host $83.75
.hosting $372.00
.house $27.60
.how $27.60
.immo $27.60
.immobilien $27.60
.industries $27.60
.ink $27.47
.institute $23.00
.insure $43.20
.international $18.00
.investments $88.80
.jetzt $19.07
.juegos $370.00
.kaufen $27.60
.kitchen $45.47
.land $27.60
.lawyer $33.60
.lease $43.20
.life $31.00
.lighting $18.00
.limited $27.60
.limo $43.20
.link $10.30
.loans $88.80
.ltda $5.99
.luxury $528.00
.maison $43.20
.management $18.00
.market $27.60
.marketing $27.60
.me $9.35
.media $47.99
.meet $54.00
.menu $33.60
.mobi $19.80
.moda $27.60
.mortgage $40.80
.name $12.72
.network $18.00
.ninja $16.80
.onl $15.60
.online $4.67
.ooo $42.00
.organic $78.00
.partners $43.20
.parts $27.60
.party $13.67
.photo $27.60
.photography $18.00
.photos $18.00
.physio $82.80
.pics $27.47
.pictures $9.60
.pink $15.29
.pizza $44.40
.place $27.60
.plumbing $45.47
.press $63.47
.pro $15.29
.productions $27.60
.properties $27.60
.property $132.00 $20.40
.pub $27.60
.pw $30.00
.qpon $30.00
.recipes $43.20
.red $15.27
.rehab $27.60
.reise $130.56
.reisen $18.00
.rentals $27.60
.repair $27.60
.report $18.00
.republican $27.60
.rest $33.60
.restaurant $44.40
.reviews $20.40
.rich $2340.00
.rocks $10.80
.rodeo $27.60
.sarl $27.60
.schule $18.00
.science $13.69
.services $27.60
.sexy $42.00
.shiksha $12.95
.shoes $45.47
.site $27.60
.singles $27.60
.ski $74.76
.social $27.60
.software $27.60
.solar $45.47
.solutions $18.00
.soy $25.20
.space $23.29
.supplies $18.00
.supply $18.00
.support $18.00
.surf $31.20
.surgery $43.20
.systems $18.00
.tattoo $41.87
.tax $43.20
.tech $53.87
.technology $26.00
.tel $15.60
.tienda $18.00
.tips $18.00
.today $3.18
.tools $27.60
.top $2.20
.town $6.99
.toys $10.00
.trade $13.69
.training $27.60
.university $43.20
.vacations $27.60
.ventures $43.20
.versicherung $177.36
.vet $41.00
.viajes $43.20
.villas $43.20
.vision $27.60
.vodka $27.60
.voting $62.40
.voyage $43.20
.watch $27.60
.webcam $13.69
.website $3.25
.wiki $27.47
.work $6.00
.works $27.60
.world $27.60
.wtf $27.60
.xxx $103.20
.xyz $2.75
.yoga $27.60
.zone $27.60
.москва $24.36
.онлайн $81.12
.орг $27.96
.сайт $81.12
.بازار $36.00
.شبكة $24.00
.موقع $55.20
.संगठन $27.96
.みんな $21.48
.中文网 $67.20
.公司 $66.96
.在线 $67.20
.机构 $27.96
.移动 $30.00
.网络 $48.96

European Domains

TLD/CCTLD Country/Type Registration Terms Register Price $56.52
.am $60.00
.at $17.94
.ba $106.92
.be $9.54
.bg $99.60 $24.96 $33.60
.by $27.60
.ch $20.52 $26.76 $43.20 $67.20 $142.80 $54.60 $43.32 $50.52 $43.20 $24.48 $37.38 $39.60 $10.45 $12.00 $5.94 $142.80 $45.00 $44.16 $50.52 $98.40 $98.40 $15.84 $33.84 $55.08 $36.00 $56.40 $27.00
.cz $19.80
.de $12.00 $31.20
.dk $28.80
.ee $49.56
.es $19.20
.eu $11.90 $18.12
.fi $62.40
.fr $19.20 $19.00
.gg $100.00
.gr $45.00 $26.00
.hr $181.44
.hu $55.44 $59.94
.ie $72.00
.im $49.20 $32.40 $23.16 $33.60
.is $58.44
.it $41.40
.je $97.20
.li $16.20
.lt $16.80 $56.52
.lu $37.92
.lv $29.40
.md $201.95
.mk $98.52
.mp $45.60 $56.52 $76.80 $25.20 $36.00
.nl $9.60
.no $21.00 $59.94 $5.94 $26.76 $5.94 $37.56 $56.52 $76.80 $25.20 $10.45
.pl $30.00 $56.52
.pm $24.00
.pt $30.00
.re $27.36
.ro $21.00
.rs $74.40
.ru $38.40 $18.12
.se $44.40 $60.00 $42.72
.si $49.20
.sk $50.40
.su $46.32
.tf $24.00 $33.60
.ua $65.40
.uk $10.45 $18.12 $18.12 $27.12
.wf $24.00
.yt $24.00
.рф $38.40

Asia-Pacific Domains

TLD/CCTLD Country/Type Registration Terms Register Price
.ae $39.60 $30.00 $18.12
.af $84.00
.asia $14.27 $24.00 $20.40 $20.40 $20.40
.az $414.00
.bh $864.00 $144.00 $48.48 $173.52 $26.00
.cc $11.87
.cn $41.76 $19.44 $45.00 $19.20 $72.00 $125.40 $40.90 $27.60 $40.80 $24.00 $355.00 $276.00 $864.00 $29.94 $168.00 $51.48 $134.40 $173.52 $56.40 $34.80 $67.20 $615.12 $45.60 $26.00 $84.00 $480.00 $76.56 $46.56 $36.00 $38.16 $96.00
.cx $102.00 $55.20 $19.20
.fm $78.00 $27.60 $19.20 $27.60
.hk $33.48 $28.56 $58.56
.id $27.96 $24.00 $47.64
.in $8.15 $19.32 $68.64 $58.56 $21.60 $144.00 $173.52 $615.12 $402.00
.io $57.00
.ir $57.60
.jo $410.40
.jp $66.72 $18.12 $18.12
.ki $1089.00 $27.60
.kr $38.40 $31.20
.kz $37.20
.la $38.40
.lk $80.64 $58.56 $27.60
.mn $56.40 $173.52
.my $79.20 $48.48 $144.00 $107.40 $51.60 $24.00 $402.00 $41.76 $144.00 $21.60 $173.52 $615.12 $27.60 $26.00 $84.00 $76.56 $38.16
.nf $1218.24
.nu $29.94
.nz $27.60 $125.40 $51.60 $24.00 $402.00 $41.76 $144.00 $51.48 $21.60 $178.80 $56.40 $58.80 $66.84 $25.20 $26.00 $84.00 $76.56 $64.80 $38.16 $55.20
.ph $66.00 $178.80
.pk $39.00 $402.00 $144.00
.ps $60.00
.qa $24.60
.sa $480.00 $274.00 $25.56
.sg $46.20
.tk $96.00
.tl $94.56
.tm $1332.00
.to $155.04
.tv $49.00
.tw $36.00
.vn $45.60
.vu $96.00 $42.24 $615.12 $26.00
.ws $7.10
.امارات $39.60
.قطر $42.36
.中国 $108.00
.公司.香港 $67.20
.組織.香港 $67.20
.網絡.香港 $67.20
.香港 $67.20
.한국 $38.40

American Domains

TLD/CCTLD Country/Type Registration Terms Register Price
.ac $43.07
.ag $104.40
.ai $179.00
.as $148.20 $200.40 $171.12
.bo $324.00 $46.80
.bs $604.20
.bz $32.20
.ca $10.67
.cl $93.60 $74.40 $54.00 $54.00 $192.00 $48.00 $27.60 $74.16 $105.60 $171.12 $67.20 $81.60 $74.40 $168.00 $84.00 $120.00 $74.40 $138.00 $54.00 $18.00 $486.00 $120.84 $77.76 $145.92 $102.60 $48.00 $74.40 $39.00 $66.00 $168.00 $27.60 $74.16 $33.60 $105.60 $95.76 $56.40 $200.40 $112.80 $136.80 $171.12 $76.80 $78.00 $75.60 $78.00
.cr $120.00
.cu $786.00
.dm $192.00
.do $156.00
.ec $77.76
.gd $36.60
.gp $145.92
.gs $48.00
.gt $171.00
.gy $48.00
.hn $74.40
.ht $102.00 $50.88
.kn $168.00
.lc $33.60 $59.76
.ms $66.00
.mx $52.80 $74.40 $66.00 $54.00 $18.00 $77.76 $39.00 $200.40 $78.00 $74.40 $18.00 $18.00 $74.40 $60.00 $33.60 $74.16 $200.40 $66.00
.pe $56.40
.pr $1272.00 $27.24 $21.60
.sx $34.80
.tc $96.00
.tt $1153.68 $57.60
.us $13.86 $29.94 $24.00
.uy $76.80 $46.80
.vc $78.00
.vg $36.60

African Domains

TLD/CCTLD Country/Type Registration Terms Register Price $36.36
.bi $156.00
.cd $60.00
.cg $404.88
.cg $404.88
.cm $108.48 $134.40 $24.84 $45.72 $181.20 $216.00 $123.48 $142.80 $17.16 $134.40 $24.84 $45.00 $181.20 $216.00 $776.04 $234.00 $102.00 $216.00
.ly $99.00
.mg $181.20
.mu $78.00
.mw $216.00
.na $5703.60 $24.84 $181.20 $17.16
.ng $81.00 $134.40 $18.00 $181.20 $710.16 $17.16
.rw $416.40
.sc $102.00
.sh $71.94
.sl $108.00
.so $78.00
.st $66.00
.ug $142.80 $17.16 $275.00

Geographic Domains

TLD/CCTLD Country/Type Registration Terms Register Price
.africa $39.99
.bayern $59.99
.berlin $52.32
.brussels $59.00
.capetown $39.99
.cologne $19.99
.cymru $25.00
.durban $39.99
.gent $49.00
.hamburg $52.32
.joburg $39.99
.koeln $19.99
.london $59.99
.melbourne $85.00
.moscow $9.99
.nagoya $19.99
.nrw $79.00
.nyc $38.99
.okinawa $19.99
.paris $99.00
.quebec $49.99
.ruhr $69.00
.ryukyu $19.99
.saarland $98.00
.sydney $85.00
.taipei $35.00
.tirol $59.00
.tokyo $19.99
.vegas $69.99
.vlaanderen $59.00
.wales $25.00
.wien $64.99
.yokohama $14.40

Community Domains

TLD/CCTLD Country/Type Registration Terms Register Price
.bzh $99.00
.club $13.00
.community $27.60
.eus $149.00
.gal $149.00
.kim $25.00
.kiwi $39.99
.moe $29.99
.scot $59.99
.uno $19.99
.wang $19.99

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Temok boasts an extensive portfolio of TLDs, ranging from the classic .com, .net, and .org to country-specific extensions and the latest industry-specific TLDs. With hundreds of options at your disposal, you have the flexibility to choose a domain name that perfectly aligns with your brand, industry, or niche, ensuring your online identity stands out and attracts your target audience.

Checking the availability of a domain name with Temok is effortless. Simply visit our user-friendly website and use our advanced domain search tool. Enter your desired domain name, and within seconds, you'll receive a comprehensive list of available options. This tool also provides suggestions for similar domains if your first choice is unavailable, making the process of finding the ideal domain hassle-free.

Temok is your premier domain name provider, offering a comprehensive suite of services tailored to your needs. Our extensive experience in the industry ensures that you receive top-notch domain registration and transfer services. We stand out through our vast selection of top-level domains (TLDs), competitive pricing, and a commitment to exceptional customer support. When you choose Temok, you're partnering with a reliable and trusted domain registrar dedicated to helping you establish a strong online presence.

Certainly! Temok offers a robust domain name suggestion tool designed to help you navigate the challenges of finding the perfect domain name, even if your initial choice is already registered. Our AI-driven tool generates creative and relevant domain name alternatives based on your keywords, ensuring that you have ample options to choose from. Additionally, our domain experts are always available to assist you in brainstorming and selecting a domain name that best suits your brand or business.

Transferring your domain to Temok comes with several compelling advantages. First and foremost, you'll benefit from our competitive pricing, which ensures that you continue to receive excellent value for your domain investments. Additionally, our streamlined domain management tools simplify the process of managing your domain portfolio. Moreover, our dedicated 24/7 customer support team is here to assist you throughout the transfer process, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience. When you choose Temok, you're making a strategic move to consolidate and enhance the management of your domains.

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