Register your .paris Domain Name

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Temok is proud to offer registration services for
.paris domain names, which have been classified as domains.

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Frequently Asked Questions

You can enable Domain privacy protection at $9 per year per domain. Place order from privacy protection addon from client area >> domains >> select Manage on your domain >> Addon

Many Country Code Top Level Domains (ccTLDs) have requirements to protect the integrity of their name space. However most are free to be used by anyone in the world. It is best to check the local presence requirements for specific domains during the domain name application process.

In some cases Temok Domain Directors can act as an agent on your behalf to secure the domain for you.

The Global Top Level Domains (gTLDs) - e.g. .com, .net, .org, will be registered around 24 hours after payment is made successfully. For international domain names, it depends on the restrictions and the policy in each country. If the provided information and documents are sufficient, we will process your domain application within 48 hours. Some registries will double check the documents before the domain is approved. That will delay the processing time.

The domain applicant will receive a confirmation e-mail once the registration is completed.

Most domain names have a minimum of 3 and a maximum 63 characters. A domain name may contain numbers (0-9), letters (a-z) or dashes (-). However, it may not:

* Begin or end with a dash (-).

* Contain special characters, such as ! @# $ % & ? ~ : _ ( )

* Have a dash (-) in the third and/or fourth positions.

Some countries in case of (ccTLDs) country code Top Level Domains may request the domain applicant to provide an identification number, or certain documents to complete the registration. For specific requirements, please contact our support. You will be notified by our support email if the applied domain is restricted.

Unfortunately it is not possible to reserve domains. Until a domain has been registered it is on the open market. Most Registries have a reserved list, however, this is a list of domains that the Registry has decided not to release to the public. These domains are not available to be registered.


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