Web 3.0 vs Web 4.0: Learn About The Upcoming Techniques

5 min read

“The World Wide Web” is one of the most well-known terms for the Internet and refers to an interaction between humans based on technological networks. “The techno-social system,” also known as a system that increases human understanding, communication, and cooperation, makes sense by stating that “co-cognition” is necessary for communication and cooperative abilities. In other words, social skills (cooperation) can’t exist without facilitating communicative skills (communication). Before describing Web 3.0 vs Web 4.0, let’s look at the history of the web and understand how the web has evolved into a living entity, with or without our permission. As you know, the web is everywhere.

Web History

The first question arises in my mind why was the Internet created?


Communications and networking were limited before the development of the Internet. Packet switching made it possible to exchange data between different networks by breaking down and packetizing any information, even if they are implemented on separate physical networks. The Internet Protocol is one of the most widely known standards used in developing the Internet.

What is Web 3.0?

Web 3.0 is the third version or third iteration of the Internet. Web 3.0 is the decentralized web, using AI, blockchain technology, and semantic web technology that promotes data ownership and eliminates intermediary ownership.

Kai-Fu Lee says that automation will replace half of all jobs in the future. He believes AI can now deliver insights about data in a decision-making capacity, and advertisers have widely adopted this technique of data-driven marketing.

Key Features Of Web 3.0

Following are the features of Web 3.0

Key Features Of Web 3.0
  • Decentralization – Using Web 3.0, the apps will be hosted on blockchains and decentralized data networks.
  • 3D Graphics – 3D graphics on Web 3.0 will ensure a more realistic, three-dimensional cyberworld than the simple, two-dimensional web.
  • Connectivity – Web 3.0 will be more ubiquitous and connective. It means the web will be everywhere.
  • Semantic Web – Web 3.0 is known as the semantic web. Web 3.0 will be able to understand human languages in the future. 
  • Trustless & Permissionless – Blockchain is the main part of Web 3.0. With blockchain, all the data exchange and transactions will be secure and transparent. 

What Can You Do On Web 3.0?

Web 3.0 will let you control products that were previously centralized. With Web 3.0 technology powered by blockchain, anything can be tokenized, whether a piece of art or a ticket to any show.

Another example that demonstrates the meaning of Web 3.0 for end-users is gaming. With Web 3.0, gamers will be able to invest in games and control them by voting on how things should run, what changes should be made in the next updates, and more.

Web 3.0 Marketing

Web 3.0 is a whole ecosystem of online services that will work to provide the customer with a quality experience with engaging content. To explore new and emerging technologies, online marketers look at the evolving world of web technology like augmented reality, virtual reality, blockchain-based decentralization, and AI-based semantics to optimize customer experiences through blogs, interactive and targeted ads, and other web content pieces.

Why Marketers Should Use Web 3.0?

The ultimate goal of Web 3.0 is to create more intelligent, connected, and open websites. Web 3.0 has not yet been implemented, so there is no solid definition. Companies can experiment with Web 3.0 marketing, creating more efficient strategies that appeal to their audience. This emerging platform is a new environment for marketers to work on innovative advertising campaigns within the guidelines of the rules rather than having too many limitations.

With artificial intelligence, marketers can develop more personalized marketing strategies. Web 3.0 provides a framework for digital marketing by creating a structure that supports and meets your business needs. Digital marketing teams can optimize and develop strategies without delays by using different data sources. 

Why Consumers Should Use Web 3.0

Consumers use Web 3.0 due to its easy access to multiple information sources to affect their purchase decisions. Decentralization verifies privacy rights. It stops data from hacking, giving users full ownership of their private information instead of search engines and social media holding information and selling it to marketers and advertisers.

What is Web 4.0?

What is Web 4.0

Recently they have been talking about web 4.0, with the related future predictions. Web 4.0 is also known as the “Symbiotic Web .”This technology is all about mobility and the voice interaction between the user and the machine.  

Web 4.0 includes software agents that may work collaboratively with other systems to solve problems. Higher intelligence levels are added to the computer software and AI since they reside on the cloud or travel on the Internet.

Web 4.0 services support adaptive content presentations that use the web database through an intelligent agent. Proactive, self-learning, autonomous, collaborative, and content-generating and exploring agents are largely based on AI and semantic and reasoning technologies.

How Web 4.0 Is Useful?

Web 4.0 is based on the following concepts:

Natural Language Understanding (NLU)

 It’s a subtopic of natural language processing that deals with machine reading comprehension. 

New Model Of Machine To Machine (M2M) Communication

The network will consist of intelligent agents in the cloud, able to communicate among them and assign the response to the right agent. 

New Model Of Interface

It is based on simple lists of results but will use new interaction models. For example, if we make queries such as “I want a cab to come to pick me” my phone must be capable of contacting the nearest Cab or company automatically without direct user intervention.

Benefits Of Web 4.0 

The following are the benefits of Web 4.0:


This will bring people who are less familiar with technology and computers to the Internet and, therefore, provide them with an effective way of using it.

Distributed Computer-Based Information Agents

Intelligent agents are elements that process information and communicate with them.

Improve User Experience

The agent links with the user by offering customized content, correcting the difference between what we find and what they found, performing tasks for the user to access background information, and communicating with other intelligent agents in the network to provide the user information to search manually.

More Efficient

Require a new type of communication to facilitate the access and representation of the data. 

What Is Web 4.0 Marketing?

This technology is all about mobility and the voice interaction between user and machine Web 4.0 marketing relies on software to interact with sensors, virtual reality services, and natural-language services that can build AI-powered interfaces like mind-controlled interfaces. With metadata organization (web 3.0), machines and humans can interact in symbiosis, which means more powerful applications that are more user-friendly.


The future generation of the web will be the next great phase of the Internet, where not only people (Web 1.0& Web 2.0) or machines (Web 3.0) are connected. These objects could, be anything from a toaster to a car, our keys, our phone, books, etc., the list is endless. Grow your blogs through Web 2.0 – work on them to build an audience and re-direct some of that audience back to your blog by linking to relevant blog posts. 

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