Kotlin vs Java: Choosing The Right Language

6 min read

The argument over “Kotlin vs Java” –the superior programming language – is never-ending. Is one superior to the other for any reason?

Android apps are deeply engrained in our everyday lives, from social connections to professional and professional activities.

If you’re a wise businessperson trying to capitalize on this massive market potential, you must choose the ideal programming language for your endeavor – one that allows maximum efficiency while producing optimal outcomes.

In this fantastic blog, we will look into the origins, history, characteristics, and use cases of each language to assist you in deciding which to employ.

Continue reading to study more about the fundamental distinctions between “Java vs Kotlin,” which is the better option for specific applications, and if Kotlin displacing Java is a genuine possibility. We will also talk about why Kotlin over Java is used worldwide.

What is Kotlin?

Jet Brains Corporation, a software development firm renowned for its successful IntelliJ IDEA, its renowned Java IDE (Integrated Developer Environment), initially launched Kotlin, a relatively new programming dialect, in 2011.

The Kotlin programming syntax was created to be a more concise, efficient, and legible alternative to Java, although it is entirely functional and may have been used concurrently. Kotlin has grown in prominence recently, with large firms like Netflix, Google, Amazon, and Twitter all using it.

Kotlin is an entirely novel programming language inspired by Java; however, it is an upgraded version with many more capabilities. It is clean, straightforward, and has less formality and conventions than different programming languages. In our debate “Kotlin vs Java,” the main points distinguish Kotlin.

Kotlin Practical Use Cases

Kotlin Practical Use Cases

Kotlin is recurrently used to create Android apps and online and server-side applications. The language is also famous for developing cross-platform apps operating on many operating systems.

Kotlin additionally has a popular programming language for creating microservices and data science applications.

  1. Android Application Development

This use case deserves its description because creating Android apps is one of Kotlin’s most popular applications. While Java has traditionally been the number one choice language for Android programming, Kotlin is a more contemporary choice gaining popularity.

Android has evolved into the world’s most extensively adopted OS, with a stunning 2.5 billion daily users spread across 190 nations.

Some of the primary advantages of adopting Kotlin for the Android development process are as follows:

  • Full Java code compatibility, allows you to progressively transition the application to Kotlin without getting to rewrite everything from the start completely.
  • Kotlin is a substantially more compact language than Java, so you may write fewer lines of code and get the same outcomes, resulting in quicker development times and lower costs.
  • Many features are tailor-made for Android programming, such as integrated assistance with null safety with Android Extensions.

So, if you’re starting your first Android endeavor, Kotlin is an excellent choice for your primary programming language.

  1. Kotlin on the Server Side

In the “Kotlin vs Java” debate, Implementing Kotlin for the backend systems has several advantages. It is suitable for both novice and experienced developers. The Kotlin plugin, for instance, maybe a perfect relocation tool for a Java programmer or developer since it enables quick translation of Java to Kotlin.

Examine how various businesses use Kotlin for the backend and server-side activities. It may inspire you to consider switching to or beginning to use Kotlin for what you want.

We hope you now have a clear idea about what Kotlin programming language is in our debate of “Kotlin vs Java.” Now, we will discuss some significant things you must know while comparing it with Kotlin. Choosing between Kotlin or Java may prove a difficult task.

What is Java?

Java is the instinctive or native language of the Android operating system, and its syntax operates by programs that connect with the computer’s operating system rather than access hardware. This language permits the construction of any software and is compatible with all sorts of computers and operating systems, including Microsoft Windows, Android, and Linux. Sun Microsystems, Inc. (now owned by Oracle) created it and supports Microservices.

Java Practical Use Cases

Java is frequently used to create enterprise-level applications, including websites for e-commerce, banking platforms, customer relationship management, or CRM applications.

The language is also often used to create Android apps. Java is also an attractive option for scientific and mathematical computing and supports big data tools or applications.

  1. Virtual machine for Java – JVM

What should you understand about the Java virtual machine? It’s critical to understand that Java is a language with compiled syntax, which implies that code is turned into machine-readable code before execution.

Unlike other programming languages such as C++, however, Java’s compiler does not generate computer code for an individual CPU. Instead, it creates bytecode, platform-aware code that the Java Virtual Machine or JVM may run.

The JVM itself varies depending on the computer’s operating system on the basis of which it runs, functioning as a processing unit or “virtual” computer. The JVM makes Java platform-neutral since it knows the operating system’s instruction sequences and other properties.

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Kotlin vs Java: Key Differences

Kotlin vs Java Key Differences

Although Java appears to be the uncontested monarch of programming languages, Kotlin is swiftly gaining traction. While it isn’t yet ready to dethrone Java, developers are beginning to grasp the effectiveness and efficacy that Kotlin may prove when developing Android apps.

Kotlin has had exceptional success after Google named it the go-to framework for building Android applications in 2017 and then as its preference two years later.

As Kotlin’s popularity grows, one could wonder what impact this will include on Java – will Kotlin eventually replace Java, or why Kotlin is better than Java?

We’ve developed a list of 10 key differences between Kotlin and Java to assist you in making an informed selection. Take a look at this:

  1. No Safety

NullPointerExceptions are an ongoing source of annoyance for many Java programmers. This exception is thrown when a component reference is given an invalid value, alerting consumers to the problem and forcing them to resolve it before proceeding with their work.

In comparison, you cannot assign null or empty values to properties or entities in Kotlin. As a result, in Kotlin, there don’t exist NullPointerExceptions.

However, if a developer wants to utilize a null value in a specific circumstance, they may indicate this by explicitly tagging the parameter with a query mark.

  1. Extension Features

Substantial work is required to alter existing methods in Java, whereas Kotlin makes it simple with extension procedures. These simplify and quickly transform classes, bringing up a world of possibilities.

  1. Code

Another significant difference between “Kotlin vs Java” is that Java could prove wordy and complex, but Kotlin provides all the same functionality in a simplified, easy-to-understand syntax.

Kotlin, as a compact language, contains fewer lines of computer code than Java, making it easy on the eyes and reducing human-made mistakes.

  1. Support for Coroutines

CPU-intensive multiple threads activities in Java enable sophisticated computations to execute in background mode. However, operating numerous threads might be complex if not properly handled.

On the other hand, developers can halt the current process without having to restart it from the beginning, thanks to Kotlin’s Coroutines support.

  1. Astute Casting

When developing code in Kotlin, Java writers must continually check the type of variables throughout operations. You may rely on its sophisticated compiler that will automatically translate your variables.

  1. Checked Exceptions

Developers aren’t necessary to verify or declare problems in Kotlin. It may be both a benefit and a burden for some.

Java’s verified exception handling can prove inconvenient, detracting from development time. It does, however, ensure robust code with faults already handled.

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  1. Interface Type

Developers in Java must specifically identify the kind of variable they are creating, allowing them more significant influence over how their source code is interpreted.

On the other hand, Kotlin’s typing static values capability may automatically identify the correct data type dependent on its supplied value.

  1. Compilation Period

Java might provide a quicker compilation rate. Furthermore, regarding progressive builds, the two languages are on equal footing. Kotlin and Java give similar efficacy results for this procedure, rendering them matching candidates.

  1. Conversions Widening

Java has automatic widening, which converts smaller types to more significant types automatically, but Kotlin requires a specific conversion step every time you move from tiny to large integers.

  1. Use Cases

It is the last significant difference between “Kotlin vs Java Syntax.” Java is the most popular versatile JVM programming platform for various projects, such as standalone and backend programs. Still, Kotlin has emerged as the favored option among developers for developing Android apps.

Both languages provide considerable adaptability and capability for developing high-quality programs that meet the demands of each user.


While Java has many uses, Kotlin has undoubtedly surpassed it as the preferred computer programming language for developing new Android apps. Google has devoted all of its resources to Kotlin, and all of its cutting-edge technologies are Kotlin-first. Previous app builders should consider incorporating Kotlin into their existing code—IntelliJ has an automated Java-to-Kotlin programming tool—and should consider aspects that go beyond our original question regarding programming choice. Comment your valuable queries on “Kotlin vs Java” and get your answers accordingly!

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Is Java faster Than Kotlin?

Java generates 17% quicker than Kotlin for clean builds without the Gradle service. It’s far more typical to compile the same codebase over and over again when you make modifications to it. That’s the type of scenario for which the Gradle daemon was created.

Is Kotlin Functional or OOP?

Kotlin supports both object-oriented & functional programming paradigms. You can utilize it with both OO and FP styles or combine the two.

Why Did Google Choose Kotlin?

Many language elements in Kotlin assist you in avoiding typical programming errors like null pointer exceptions. Kotlin-coded Android apps are 20% less inclined to crash. Therefore, Google also started using Kotlin.

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