Have you just completed your studies and do not have any work experience? Being a recent graduate can make it challenging to find a job since you do not have experience in the field, and no one can recommend you as a worker. So, how to get your first job is a challenge. Take this process but learn to organise yourself. Looking for work is a job and requires a responsible and active attitude at all times.
Remember, if you are interested in starting your own business, then put your efforts into exploring Entrepreneurship and follow 43 great business ideas to earn more with fewer efforts.
Before starting your first job… it is essential that you ask yourself… Why work? Beyond economic independence, work is one area that allows us to grow, develop by increasing our knowledge and realise ourselves as human beings in our society.
It is also essential that you know the different modalities today; Dependency work is not the only way. There is also self-employment, independent or freelance, seasonal jobs, volunteers, work internships, and teleworking. Each of them implies different rights and obligations, both on your part and on the part of whoever hires you.
For this, it is essential to start developing a job search strategy: what actions are you going to take to meet your goal of getting your desired job.
Following are the valuable tips to get your first office job.
Table of Contents
12 Tips How to Get Your First Job
1. Focus on Yourself
Put aside the comparisons, focus your energy and thought on your professional path, which is unique and cannot be compared with any other.
Everyone has their rhythm, and they trace the path as best they can. It is essential to focus on your career and dedicate efforts to it without comparing yourself with other colleagues.
2. Keep Learning
Just graduating doesn’t mean the end of learning. On the contrary, you must continually train yourself to grow in your career in the practical world. Not only with courses but also activities, workshops, talks, and books. Knowledge sometimes comes along unexpected paths.
3. A Good Resume
It will help if you put your efforts into creating a good resume. Keep in mind that now the world is digital, and the presentation has more and more weight. If you are a developer, it is perfect for building your portfolio website and publishing it on the internet.
Pro Tip: instead of starting, after the personal data and the extract, with the work experience, first add the training and the professional experiences you have. If you do not have any related to the field, but previous jobs, even if they have nothing to do with it.
The final portfolio must be clear, attractive, simple, and error-free. Use proper keywords and include all your skills.
4. Decide What You Want To Do
Make a career plan and enlist all the steps you need to take. Indeed at the beginning, you will not find the ideal job, but you must gain experience.
You must adjust to the jobs that the market offers and do not apply to a position that does not fit your skills. The first step doesn’t get you to the final goal, but it gets you out of the position where you are. So, when you start your journey, make sure you are going towards your goals.
5. Don’t Be Discouraged
The first jobs you have may not be how you imagined when you were studying, but don’t worry. Each experience gives you the knowledge and will end up taking you where you want. It is essential to establish a route plan to reach your goal.
It is also an excellent time to learn about leadership and find a good mentor. You can also get certified by industry giants and pass out the most trending exams to create your worth.
6. Investigate
It is essential to know the values promoted by the company and what work environment it has. Do some preliminary research before applying for the vacancy. You can also ask people who are working in the company you are applying to.
Also, take some time to get to know the company’s sector and find out if it fits you. You may discard companies to apply because they do not share your same ideals. For example, a vegetarian should not work in a butcher shop. He would not be comfortable with what he does.
7. Recommendations
Since you don’t have a lot of work experience, letters of recommendation can be a valuable endorsement of your skills. Ask tutors, mentors, and even peers to come up with recommendations to attach to your application.
Do not be shy! These letters can help you get started on the job market. You can use LinkedIn for receiving valuable endorsements.
8. Prepare for the Interview
When you have a job interview, you should not only be polite, professional, and enthusiastic. It would help if you also were prepared for the interview, even know how to respond to trap or sensitive questions and convince the recruiter that you are the right person for it.
9. Update Your Profile on Social Networks
Many recruiters use the internet and social media to expand the information they have about candidates. Check your social networks and make sure they show you who you are. Avoid discriminatory or negative comments. These types of posts can hurt your chances of finding work.
10. It’s never too early To Start Networking
One of the work purposes should be to build a professional circle. It is positive to access new job offers and be able to chat and comment on the topics you are passionate about.
11. Stay Active
Even if looking for a job creates a job in itself, take advantage of this period to stay mentally and physically active. Create a routine for the search, assign hours, and disconnect when you are not applying.
Having the android apps used for job search will allow you to take advantage of those slow times and save offers to apply when you have all the information.
12. Participate in an Internship Program
Many companies have internship programs so that recent graduates know first-hand the sector and what the profession they have studied is really like.
Although the pay may not be great, it will allow you to put your first foot in the company. It will give you an experience that you can then include in your CV, meet people, and clarify ideas regarding how you want your next job to be.
How to Apply for a Job?
To apply for a job offer, you only need to have an updated CV. Search for different recruiting companies and find offers that match your profile. You can use the filters of location, contract types, publication date, field, working day, and salary to facilitate the search.
Once you have the offer, click the “Apply” button, answer the filtering questions if they appear in the offer, and attach your resume. Once you apply, the company will see your information and contact you if it thinks you are the best person for the position.
If you want more information on how to pass an interview, do not hesitate to consult our blog section Technical Interviews.