We have compiled a comprehensive list of advertising and digital marketing tips to help you make an effective marketing strategy. In this article, you will get actionable advice for 34 categories and marketing areas from the most outstanding marketers all the time. Please take note of all the tips, get organized, plan, and get to it!
I understand that it can be difficult for you to read and implement all the tips at the moment, so you need these valuable tips again and again. It is the main reason why people search for marketing cheat sheets. Don’t worry; you can bookmark this page by simply pressing Ctrl+D or downloading a complete list of digital marketing tips PDF at the end of this blog.
Table of Contents
Tips For Your Marketing Plan in 2023

1 – Do a market and competition analysis, also known as benchmarking. Make an in-depth study of your particular niche, the price study, and analyze the most demanded products and services.
2 – Study what type of content the companies in your niche publish to get a solid understanding of which ones work better, and which ones are worse, and get some ideas for your social platforms and blog.
3 – Decide on branding and reinforce your corporate image for your online presence. Prepare a series of required resources such as the logo, font, and other things needed to complete the website.
4 – Make a list of all the social platforms in which you have a presence. If you think any popular social platform is missing, then create a company profile on it. Unify the descriptions, cover images, and brand logo, and make a small style guide to participate in each of them effectively.
5 – Study your target audience and define three people with names, characteristics, details, and tastes. You will think about them whenever you generate some content or look at which platform to participate in, to know if you are really responding to their possible interests and if your audience is there.
6 – Make a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats), study your weaknesses and strengths, and get some detail that differentiates you from the competition. If you do not differ in anything, you can only compete for price and place, so it is good to search and add differential values.
7 – Define what human resources and what budget you have to carry out your marketing plan. Set a monthly amount that you will allocate, check month by month if you are going profitable in your advertising efforts, and know if you can increase or decrease this budget according to the results. For Using Digital Marketing services you also do edit YouTube videos and do Many Activities.
8 – Select some KPIs or metrics that allow you to study the results obtained month by month and know which actions work for you and which do not. To better visualize it, you can use a Dashboard; this will allow you to visualize the information better, and thus you will be able to move and correct the actions to be carried out.
From all the budget spent on marketing, you will calculate how many sales they have generated, and with that, you will have an average CPA (Cost per Acquisition) that should match the margin that you have established for each product or service you sell.
9 – Make an in-depth study of the targeted audience by extracting data from Google Analytics with the option of audiences, demographic data (age, gender), and behavior and interests plus geographic location; it will help you define your campaigns.
10 – Combine demographic data from Google Analytics with Social Platforms such as Facebook and Instagram to obtain an even more defined profile. You will get a better idea of who your buyer persona is.
11 – Carry out a study focused on your customer’s interests to detect the insight of your brand and/or products. For this, you can use surveys or get feedback.
12 – Create specific content for your target audience only in the channels where it is found, and you can carry out marketing campaigns.
13 – Do a market study with in-depth keyword research analyzing the terms, products, and services to rank and classify them for your different organic and paid campaigns.
14 – Make a correct distribution of in which channels you are going to use your keywords: SEM campaigns, content on the blog, or copies on social platforms.
15 – Implement your strategy for using keywords on your website and in your content with a plan based on your users’ search intent and technically combining it for Google.
16 – Create a calendar of post-scheduling on social platforms to make it easier for you to develop your strategy for weeks and months.
17 – Include important dates for your brand and your audience in your publication calendar. These will help you develop strategic and collaborative actions both with your followers and with different references.
18 – Create a content plan based on the main products and services of your brand. Technically rank it with your blog and rely on social platforms to popularize it.
19 – ALWAYS provide valuable content, don’t just think about selling. If you add value, you create an audience that helps you spread your content on social networks, and you will retain them to a greater extent.
20 – Create an action plan for weeks and months but also areas. It will help you organize and work on your brand’s priorities and help you optimize your actions and your time.
21 – Develop a plan of measurable, achievable, and comparable objectives over time. You must set goals that you can achieve, not get discouraged, or feel frustrated to raise some in the short term and others that take longer to complete.
22 – Measure from the first day of work so that you can see the evolution of your actions and objectives in each area. And, in general, of your entire Marketing Plan.
23 – Integrate Google Data Studio to prepare and automate reports for each of your marketing channels.
24 – Specialize in a specific marketing area and surround yourself with the right professionals to cover the other specialties. Think about what you like the most; in this way, it will not cost you so much effort to train in it.
Marketing Tips For Blog

25 – Study the most shared content about the keywords you are going to use for your business. You can use different tools such as Buzzsumo to discover the ones shared the most on social media. If you can improve some of them or do something more complete, then they will be super good content for your blog.
26 – Investigate which are the blogs that have the most visits on the same topic. For them, you can use the Similarweb tool in which you can put many blogs and see how many approximate visits each one has. If they are the ones who have the most holidays, it will be for something. Now, get ideas for yours and be able to get maximum visits.
27 – Improve participation in your blog by asking a question at the end of all your blog posts if you open the readers’ involvement. The blog is a two-way communication channel, and you should never leave the content for finished.
28 – Spend some time answering all the comments on your blog and talking to everyone who shares your content on social networks, such as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. It is useful to search your domain .com on Twitter and other Social Networks to see who is sharing your content and has not mentioned you. It is the best way to retain your readers, make them remember you, come back, and continue sharing with you on another occasion.
29 – Check all the titles of your articles so that they have a hook and arouse the most significant interest. The titles you can change as many times as you can. Take advantage of Twitter to share your content with different titles and check which ones work best. Go back to your articles and change the title.
30 – See if all your blog content adds value. The blog should not be there to share the news that interests your company, nor is it a diary of your adventures. The blog is to offer something useful or fun to your potential audience. If not, you will hardly get shares on social networks, links from other pages, or many visits. Do not make a blog about what the boss wants to tell, but what a client wants to read.
31 – Redesign the sidebar of your blog. My advice is not to overcharge it. Think about which widgets provide actual value and which are essential. The reader’s attention is rarely focused on this part, and you can also make the loading of your blog very slow.
32 – Redesign the footer of your blog. Huge footers are usually annoying, and their average reading does not reach 2% of readers. Do not leave something that you consider very important since almost no one will read it.
33 – Add a subscription form to the side of your blog. Email is the best method of contact with your readers and the best way for them to become repeat readers. You can use Mailchimp, Mailrelay, Mail Director, SendInBlue Aweber, or any other system. Most of the platforms allow you to send up to 2000 subscribers without making any purchases.
34 – Add a form to get more advanced and effective subscribers: in Pop-up mode or at the end of your posts. You can use Magic Action Box, Optinskin, Optinmonster, Thrive Leads, or others.
35 – Add an RSS icon to get subscribers to use an RSS reader. You can also link directly to Feedly or Flipboard, which are currently the most used readers.
36 – Make sure to use the Read More link in all your posts so that your blog’s home page is scannable and the reader can easily view various content and then decide which ones they are interested in reading.
37 – Study what contents of your blog have worked best to guide you in the next ones. Which ones have gotten more comments, more links, more shares on social networks, more visits, more conversions…?
38 – Use a table of contents at the beginning of your posts. It will guide users on the content included in the post, and the content will be better structured.
39 – Before starting to write, do good research on keywords. It will serve as a guide when structuring the different sections, you can include in your content and as a guide for your content table. A free tool that can help you in this work is Ubersuggest.
40 – Remember to structure your post’s content so that it is scannable and that it is easier for users to read it. For this, you must make a correct distribution of titles (H2, H3, H4) and make proper use of bold.
41 – Choose a simple font with the right size to make the content easier to read. However, if you want to emphasize a position, you can use a somewhat more attractive font to attract the attention of your users.
42 – Include different types of content in your post to facilitate its readers. In addition to structuring them correctly, it is interesting that you can include infographics or videos that add value and are related to the content you are presenting.
43 – Use different Neuromarketing strategies to improve your content and get users to increase their time spent on your website. For example, you can place the most important content at the beginning and end of posts to activate the primacy and recency effects.
44 – If you have different categories on your blog, you can include a menu at the top that makes it easier for users to navigate through them. In this way, it will be easier for them to access the information that interests them the most, improving your website’s usability.
45 – Take care of the responsive design of your blog. Today, users’ browsing methods have changed, and many more mobile devices are being used, so the content must be viewed correctly.
Marketing Tips to Improve Your Website

46 – Find a reliable hosting provider such as Temok that ensures the best speed and security features while facilitating the migration from your current hosting.
47 – Activate a CDN (Content Delivery Network) such as Cloudflare, Managed Digital Ocean Cloud with CDN, or Amazon S3; it will serve your static content at ultra-speed from different servers spread all over the world, improving the loading times of your website. Do you think, why is CDN used? Here are 13 ways how it serves your website.
48 – Optimize your cover images to ensure that it is displayed in the shortest possible time. Save your images for the web before uploading them. If your website is developed using WordPress CMS, use any cache plugin to make sure you are using fully optimized images.
49 – Create a Vimeo account to host your high-quality videos and thus serve them from your website using the embed codes. In this way, you will not consume webspace, and you will offer HD videos at the highest speed and with a personalized player.
50 – Analyze your website’s errors with tools such as GTMetrix or Pingdom Tools, which will show you the errors and the actions you must take to solve them.
51 – Check if your website is optimized for mobile devices using the Google WebMaster Tool and fix the issues suggested by the tool.
52 – Update your website code to HTML5 and CSS3, the new standards, to obtain more outstanding performance, speed, and compatibility with the new standards.
53 – Replace images with fonts of free vector icons such as those from the Dashicons libraries or Font Awesome. You will achieve a professional appearance while reducing web loading times.
54 – Replace the Flash objects on your website with animations created using CSS, which are loaded using clean code, small in size, and compatible with search engine rankings.
55 – Make your contact page user-friendly and visible. And if you don’t have it yet, create it so that your potential clients will quickly find a way to communicate with you.
56 – Put your social media links in a visible place so that your visitors can find out about your news and services in real time while expanding your business.
57 – Change the color scheme of your website; avoid using strong and bright colors.
58 – Make sure that all pages have a useful and relevant call to action.
59 – Don’t forget to add a subscription form that collects your visitors’ emails in platforms such as MailChimp to offer them services through email marketing campaigns. Adopt valuable techniques to increase your email open rate for effective marketing.
60 – Apply design cards to your layout to improve the user experience and responsiveness of your website. This type of design has become quite popular in user interface design for both web and apps, mostly thanks to Google’s trend with its implementation of Material Design in many of its web applications.
61 – Check if the fonts you use on your website meet these three requirements: legibility, size, and contrast. Fonts not only influence your page’s aesthetics, so make sure not to use unreadable fonts, very small sizes for paragraphs (always above 16px), or backgrounds with colors similar to the texts that make them difficult to read.
62 – Check that there is enough space between all the elements so that the contents do not come together so much that it is difficult to differentiate them.
63 – Do you have an SSL certificate installed? If your website still does not load under the HTTPS protocol, it is time to switch to a secure environment by installing any valid SSL certificate. The advantages are clear: you increase the user’s confidence in who visits your website, improve SEO ranking, and reduce possible theft of private information.
64 – Remember that it is essential that you comply with the GDPR in force within your website. For this, you must request your users’ express consent both in the subscription forms and in the comments or in any place where you request personal data.
65 – Do not forget to include the Cookies Law to inform your users about their use and avoid possible sanctions.
Also Read: Growing SEO Importance of SSL Certificates and Advantages to Install
Marketing Tips For Facebook

66 – Study with Facebook Insights which content has had the most participation to date. Try to develop a typical pattern that tells you which types of posts you should repeat and which ones to stop.
67 – See what type of publications you can do to encourage the participation of your customers. Questions in your posts? Do you propose a challenge to your fans? Without involvement in Facebook, it will be challenging to grow organically without advertising.
68 – Study what is your best time to publish your social posts. Your fans will be much more participatory in one hour than others, so make sure you are scheduling your posts at that time. To understand the right time for your fans, it is necessary to analyze your page statistics.
69 – Do you have fans in different languages? Segment your posts in tongues, and you will find out. There are many types of targeting, but the language one works best since everyone has their Facebook in a specific language.
70 – Dedicate a day of the week or a month to schedule all your publications, and thus, you do not need to be creative every day.
71 – Create a private Facebook group in which you offer something extraordinary (discounts or coupon codes) to your most important clients. This way, you will be able to retain them and have direct contact with them. It is a significant opportunity to convert your clients into your brand’s ambassadors.
72 – Join private groups related to your theme or business niche to participate as a person. Then you can dialogue and comment on the news and content of your niche, and from time to time, share your content.
73 – Make a list of community Facebook pages without commercial interests in which you can participate with your company profile. Facebook is the largest forum in the world, and not everyone is on your wall. Get out there and think of content that will sink into those pages.
74 – Collect photos of your clients and make them protagonists of your page. If you can tag them to take the conversation with them to Facebook and thus be visible to everyone and future customers.
75 – Make a collage with photos of your employees. Humanize your brand and also make them the protagonists of your company page. Facebook is made for people, and putting them in value is always positive.
76 – Make a compilation of essential dates or Milestones of your brand and publish in the past tense. Tag or mention people to activate participation in those old dates of your timeline.
77 – Ask your most loyal customers to give you a rating and a recommendation on your page. The stars are apparent, and the advice can influence future customers.
78 – Define a system to monitor the private messages that arrive on your page. Now Facebook says the average response time of each page, so you should answer quickly. You can use Hootsuite, Zendesk, or other systems to find out right away.
79 – Reactivate conversations every so often. You can mention all the people who have commented on a post and thus continue a dialogue that gives older posts more visibility.
80 – Edit your old posts to include emotions. You can use Emoji Input if you use Google Chrome or copy and paste them from Getemoji.
81 – Redesign the cover image of your page to be more striking and more creative. Don’t forget to show your current promotions, offers, discounts, or services.
82 – If you have a page and a personal profile, merge them to avoid duplication. It would help if you first gave both the same name and made a copy of the personal profile data.
83 – Publish a photo album with the best photos of the month, of the year, of an event, or an important day in your company. If you can tag people using your profile and emails, so they have much more participation.
84 – Take advantage of the moment’s memes to create a funny and funny version in which people can see themselves reflected and want to share it.
85 – Investigate the applications for Facebook pages and register one for yours. You can make visible your accounts from other networks on your page, inform about your products, set up a store, and get subscribers by mail.
86 – Customize the tabs and applications of your page by uploading an image for each of them. You improve the branding and image of your page.
87 – Use Facebook’s tool, Creator Studio, to make your posts and schedules on the web. Facebook empowers it, and you can also create the basic posts that you would make from your wall, along with other image editing options (presentations, experiences, photo sequences, or albums) and videos (upload several videos for editing or launch the same video from one main page to other different ones that you are managing).
88 – See what your competition is doing from the statistics of your Facebook page. You will be able to compare your weekly actions, interactions, and followers concerning other companies like yours.
89 – Personalize your messages automatically. Hours of attention to the public and hours in which you are absent. Also, you will be able to manage the ones you receive through Instagram at the same time.
90 – Give visibility to your WhatsApp through Facebook. Insert the button on your page so they can tell you more directly.
Also Read: Master Facebook Pages for Business with Apps
Marketing Tips For Twitter

91 – Make lists on Twitter to collect and create categories of different types of accounts related to your niche.
92 – Manage your company account on Twitter and don’t forget to check all your followers and follow back all those who may be potential clients of yours. Although many gurus tell you no, following your potential clients already generates a small effect and understanding with them.
93 – Sign up for a scheduling tool on Twitter and set a day of the week when you post a lot of well-distributed content. You can use Buffer, Hootsuite, Tweetdeck, Twittimer, or others.
94 – Study your best posting schedule on Twitter to adjust to your tool, which is the best for your sector. You can use Audience or Twitter Analytics.
95 – Automate the publication of your blog posts and your website on Twitter. You can do it from WordPress or dlvrit.
96 – Make a selection of the best blogs and content sources that you trust that always publish something good. Sign them up on Twitterfeed so that they are automatically posted a few hours later on your Twitter.
97 – Automate your Instagram posts on Twitter so that the photo can be seen directly without clicking on the link. Instagram doesn’t allow it without a link, so use IFTTT.
98 – Improve your ratio between followers and followers. Stop following fake, inactive accounts, spammers that publish in other languages, or bad ones that do not follow you. You can use SocialRank or ManageFlitter to identify them and unfollow them.
99 – Analyze all the events or hashtags in which you have participated to discover the influencers and the most participatory. Strengthen the relationship and join with them more often. You can use Tweetbinder.
100 – Collect the best tweets of an event, a hashtag, or those in which you are mentioned and create a moment to later publish it on your blog or all your social networks.
101 – Research and make a list of possible hashtags used the most, and you can use it in your posts. Use that list frequently when scheduling your tweets to reach more people.
102 – Analyze and save searches by monitoring them often. This way, you can start the conversation and be proactive on Twitter, reaching strangers who have specific interests related to your topic.
103 – Make a list of possible surveys that you can program on Twitter.
104 – Make a list of influencers on Twitter to share their content very often, dialogue with them, and participate actively.
105 – Analyze the statistics of interaction and impact in Twitter Analytics with this, you will see which tweet and with what type of content it had more visibility, more business, and in what way. This platform offers you up to 8 different ways of interacting with your messages; this will allow you to be more effective in including multimedia content, hashtags, links, etc.
106 – Publish your brand’s tweets with multimedia content, as they will have more impact and generate more interaction. If you post with a photo, do it in the Twitter 850 x 320-pixel format to look complete.
107 – Also, if you publish with photographs, mention in the pictures (it allows you up to 10 accounts) users or brands that you want to highlight or attract their attention. Twitter will notify them.
108 – Install and configure the JM Twitter Cards plugin on your website, including a 506 x 255-pixel image on all the pages of your website and your blog posts. In this way, when someone shares your content on Twitter, the plugin adapts a thumbnail image, and you get more visual impact and more interaction.
109 – Check the audience statistics and interests of your community in Twitter Analytics. In the Audience, Demographics, and Lifestyles sections, you will have relevant information on your readers’ topics of interest, keywords, and geographic location, and will help you be more assertive with your communication on Twitter.
110 – Use link shorteners to reduce, make more attractive, and customize your URLs and make them more appealing. If you use Bit.ly, you can also have the statistics of interactions with your link.
111 – Make use of tools that allow you to detect the influencers and people who have participated the most in your communication, either through mentions, retweets or because they have distributed the content of your blog. This will help you detect active fans and ambassadors for your brand. You can use tools like Tweetbinder, MentionMapp, and Twxplorer.
112 – Measure and compare monthly the traffic generated by your Twitter communication in Google Analytics. Not only the number of visits it generates to your website through Twitter and the number of goal conversions it has developed in your Marketing campaigns.
113 – Install a plugin on your blog that invites your readers to share your content on Twitter and other social networks. Configure the application well so that it mentions your account as a source. For this, you can use plugins like Monarch (it is paid).
114 – Create, schedule, and publish tweets with Twitter Cards to promote your campaigns and content. Twitter lets you create rich-format tweets to share for free with your followers or run paid campaigns for specific audiences. You have up to six Card designs with 24 different calls to action, which you can adapt and edit, depending on your campaigns.
115 – Make ad campaigns on Twitter Ads promoting your tweets, your cards, or your videos. If you do an adequate segmentation, you can optimize your campaigns to the maximum and improve your conversion rate. Twitter is also one of the least expensive social networks for marketing campaigns.
116 – Create Twitter threads that help you describe an action or tell a complete story, both about your blog and about your events.
117 – Participate in campaigns and hashtags of social interest or your audience by scheduling the specific days #SocialDating or special events #SocialMoment and involving your audience.
118 – Create participatory events with your hashtags and add value, dialogue, or highlight interesting actions for your audience.
119 – Create meetings via Twitter so that your audience knows each other, participates and supports each other. It’s a great way to network and encourage participation.
120 – When you publish content from your blog, create personalized Twitter cards in your card library that Twitter offers you. This way, you can make it easier for Twitter readers to see your content, at the same time that you can run advertising campaigns.
121 – Use the live power if you know how to add value to your audience using Twitter’s Periscope.
122 – Monitor your Twitter account using tools like Hootsuite or Tweetdeck. Answer their questions, always appreciate their participation, and value your fans, your superfans, and the people who stand out to your audience. They are your ambassadors; take care of them.
Also Read: 4 Advanced Twitter Tips for Business Advertising and Branding
Marketing Tip For YouTube

123 – Create a YouTube channel. Put your logo as a profile picture and use the header image to promote a special event or activity, announce upcoming releases, or highlight achievements and awards achieved by your company.
124 – Add a direct link to your other social networks on the header image of your channel. To do this, click on the pencil icon that appears in the upper right corner of the photo and click on “Edit links.”
125 – Make a video a month that does not involve a lot of budget. Record tutorials with tips for users, manufacturing processes and product demonstrations, customer testimonials, free video courses, recommendations, etc., to get the attention of your potential clients. Once you have your video footage, you can edit YouTube videos with an online professional editing tool to make them look polished and professional. There are several free and low-cost video editing tools available online that you can use to edit your videos.
126 – Once a month, do a hangout or live webinar and answer your customers’ questions. You can also ask them to send you their questions beforehand and then record a video with the answers.
127 – Record interviews with excellent references in your sector who provide a lot of exciting content for your users.
128 – Once a year, organize a course or master class inviting 20 influential bloggers from your sector. Record the meeting and later make a video with the best moments to spread it on social networks. When you share, mention the guest bloggers. There are many strategies that you can apply on YouTube with influencers.
129 – Place a video as a channel trailer. It will be seen by unsubscribed users who visit you. It can be a video that defines you as a company, a video where you tell the user how you can help them, giving reasons for subscribing, or the latest video you are promoting. YouTube Studio>Customization>Layout.
130 – Sit down with your team to determine the channel tone and style so that you can build an air of professionalism and make the video-viewing experience more enjoyable.
131 – Check and review the following necessary information for all your videos: title with less than 100 characters and description with the URL of your website and a transcription of the content, and add all the tags related to the video, your company, and your sector. It is essential for SEO.
132 – Add a card at the end of all your videos, promote another video, or redirect your web page.
133 – Include an annotation with a link in all your videos inviting the user to subscribe to your YouTube channel.
134 – Put your watermark or logo on all the videos on your YouTube channel. It is done in YouTube Studio > Customization > Branding.
135 – Organize all the material on your YouTube channel in different Playlists and Sections. You make searches more comfortable, improve the user experience, and optimize the appearance of your channel.
136 – From time to time, write an article on your blog related to your YouTube videos’ content and insert the videos in the post.
137 – Make an action protocol for each time you upload a video to your channel. See in which media or social networks you are going to spread it.
138 – Subscribe to other YouTube channels related to your sector to closely follow the videos they publish (from competitor brands, references, your most exciting subscribers, or potential clients).
139 – Check the statistics of your channel to draw conclusions and improve your strategy. To do this, go to YouTube Studio > Analytics. Pay particular attention to the “Audience Retention” and “Traffic Sources” data.
140 – Make an excellent selection and curation of exciting videos on your subject and organize them by lists. It can add the list as an extra to an article and share the different compilations on social networks.
141 – Personalize your channel with thumbnails related to your brand’s branding that highlight the content and are attractive in the YouTube search engine.
142 – If you can, get the most out of YouTube Live to meet your audience and add value.
143 – Analyze your competition with keyword searches and apply them to your channel. Remember that it is essential to carry out a good SEO strategy on YouTube to rank your content.
Marketing Tips For Instagram

144 – Identify who your best followers are through Iconosquare and create a series of shortcuts to participate more with them in their publications. You can also tag them from time to time.
145 – Make a template with your colors and branding to use phrases related to your theme every week.
146 – Sign up for some tools to schedule your posts. This way, you will not have to be creative every day, and you can prepare all the month’s posts. You can use Later or Onlypult.
147 – Create a participatory campaign on Instagram, proposing to your followers from all your social networks to upload their photos with a specific hashtag.
148 – Invite your customers to upload a photo using your product with a hashtag. All participants can get a discount on their next purchase. You earn loyalty and new sales, and they recommend you to their followers.
149 – Install the Repost App to publish the best photos uploaded by your clients or users of your services on your Instagram account. Actively search for all posts that may be mentioning your product.
150 – Make a list of possible 15-second videos that you can make and schedule them in your next posts.
151 – Prepare several videos made from photos of your users and your activity with background music. You can use Vigo Video or Funimate. Example
152 – Prepare several videos that you will speed up and then put them in fast motion and show some business activities. You can use the Hyperlapse mobile application.
153 – Create various hobby-type games where you create participation with your users.
154 – Make several images by joining your blog article’s headers and program them with a tool to distribute one each week. Every time you gather enough to make another image, add it to the calendar.
155 – Make several collages with your most participative and loyal fans. Mobile apps like InsTrack tell you who they are. Post the photo thanking everyone you can for their support and tag. You can repeat this type of publication every month and thus further encourage the participation of your audience.
156 – Make a study and list all the hashtags that you can use related to your topic so that the publications are seen by more people who do not follow you. You can use the Instagram search engine to see how many times each hashtag is used or a mobile app called TagFire.
157 – Enter the Crowdfire online tool (with your username on Instagram) and make a follower and the following strategy. You can copy the followers of referrers or competing companies and start following their accounts. You can see which users have begun to follow you and return the follow. It also tells you who has stopped following you. It’s a great “cleaning” app.
158 – Among the free programming tools you can find for Instagram, Creator Studio is the one for the Facebook-Instagram network. It allows you to post on your account feed, and add your hashtags, photos, and videos. In the same way, you can schedule your IGTV videos with images, videos, headlines, and descriptions.
159 – With live Instagram, you can generate interaction with your followers. Previously announce your time and day of connection on the networks where you have a presence to meet them on Instagram. You will be able to share valuable content with them, you will offer the human side of your company or brand, and you will receive instant feedback through their comments and reactions.
160 – Create actions using ALL the possibilities that Instagram Stories offers to interact with your audience: Questions, questionnaires, yes or no, countdown, etc. In this way, you will improve your engagement rate.
161 – If you have videos on YouTube, create summaries of less than 1 minute to upload to 15-second feeds for stories.
162 – Use applications that combine image and video such as Cinemagraphs to generate unique, different, and fun content
163 – Create participation actions such as puzzles, word searches, riddles, hieroglyphs, and hobbies that recall products, services, and terms related to your sector and your brand.
164 – The stories are ideal formats to create test questions and share final results. They are perfect to link and retain your audience with content, words, or inquiries related to your sector.
165 – Use stories to make your super fans, your audience, and prizes visible with mentions and visibility.
166 – Make your work team visible; this will help you to humanize your brand. Try to make them participate and let your audience know who is behind social networks.
167 – Analyze your competition on Instagram, obtain growth data, what hashtags work best, and do an audit of how your starting point is in this social network with the Ninjalitics tool.
168 – Optimize your biography on Instagram: use keywords of how you want to rank yourself, add emojis to make your description attractive, put a call to action, insert a brand-specific hashtag to enhance user-generated content with your company, optimize the cover images of your stories, add a link to drive traffic to your website.
169 – Use hashtags effectively in your posts to position your content. It is recommended to use between 5 and 10. You can use the All-hashtag tool to get inspired and search for keywords associated with your niche.
170 – Make networking to gain visibility more powerful and create synergies with other accounts. Design a template to recommend accounts that inspire you in your industry and ask your community for recommendations.
171 – Know the best time and day to share your profile with tools such as Metricool or Instagram’s statistics.
172 – Plan, monitor, and schedule content with the Metricool, Creator Studio, or OnlyPult tool (paid).
173 – Take advantage of social moments to humanize, be creative, differentiate yourself, and increase participation with your community.
174 – Be grateful to your community. Make your best followers, the protagonists, the ones who interact the most with your profile. You can get this information with applications like Reports +.
175 – Work on a weekly fixed format in your feed to enhance your brand’s branding and give uniformity to your profile.
176 – Make games with your brand content to encourage participation in your posts. Your users will find it fun, and you will get a higher level of engagement.
177 – Share the crucial milestones of your company, taking advantage of special dates.
178 – Make infographics to drive traffic to your blog content with eye-catching headlines.
179 – Create an educational brand providing valuable content for your audience with infographics, short videos, and images. This will allow you to attract new followers.
180 – If you have a lot of content, you can use the linktr tool to unify different links in a single URL in your biography.
Marketing Tips For LinkedIn

181 – Remember to choose a professional photograph while creating a LinkedIn profile representing you and a cover accordingly. In case you are a company, you should also take care of your company page so that it is consistent with your brand.
182 – Create quality contacts linked to your profession. You must expand your circle and improve the possibilities of carrying out networking actions tomorrow.
183 – Complete your profile, including relevant information such as official certificates talks you have made, etc.
184 – Ask for recommendations from other people you have worked with and do them yourself. It’s an excellent way for others to talk about your worth as a worker or endorse your company.
185 – Follow companies or groups that may interest you. If they are linked to your sector, they can serve as a reference to keep up to date with news, events, etc.
186 – Be active in the community. Share content, recommend posts, and share comments with other users. It’s a great way to network.
187 – Take advantage of the possibilities offered by LinkedIn Stories to hold corporate events and meetings.
188 – Use LinkedIn Ads to offer your professional services or those of your company.
189 – Do not forget to create your profile in another language so that people who do not speak your native language can access it.
190 – Write articles and develop ideas for the community to know you.
191 – Create groups to generate networking, share ideas, content, or anything that comes to mind and add value.
192 – Use the statistics offered by your company page to find out which publications work best with your audience. You will also see what your situation is compared to that of other similar market companies.
193 – Pin featured posts to the top of your company page feed with the most relevant content. If they are visual or collaborative content, better, and, in this second case, you will mention all the people who have collaborated on the content.
194 – Share content from other people and not just yours. If the person whose content you share is on LinkedIn, you must make the corresponding mention so that they can see that you are sharing their content.
Marketing Tips For TikTok

195 – Develop your creative side with TikTok. Ads that appear on this network are 15 seconds long and require fun. The types of ads that you can make are in-feed Ads – Brand Takeovers – Hashtag challenges – Branded lenses. The Video Creation Kit tool from the network makes it easy for you to design images and videos.
196 – Make use of hashtags related to your brand to generate crowdsourcing strategies and take advantage of social moments to launch challenges through this network to users.
197 – Take advantage of the new TikTok influencers to give visibility to your brand.
198 – Create fun content by covering trendy songs or with particular messages for special days (anniversaries, decades, ephemeris, etc.) and invite your audience to participate.
199 – You can create memes with covers of songs supporting causes of solidarity or common interest and your company.
200 – Observe your competition in this network; it will serve as a reference for possible actions shortly. Nowadays, almost all types of companies are joining.
Marketing Tips For Social Networks

201 – Partner with other social media accounts to share your content. You can strengthen the relationship between the two and achieve much more power of dissemination in your content. Make a list of brands that generate excellent content that you would not mind sharing.
202 – Create an account on Snapchat and use it to create content that you spread on your other social networks, making sense of urgency, as it will last for a short time.
203 – Collect the phone numbers of your most loyal and special customers. Think about how to be able to serve them via WhatsApp and offer them advice and special attention.
204 – Add a WhatsApp number of the company on your website and social networks. Configure WhatsApp to use it from the computer and have a person from the company answer it.
205 – Create a company page on LinkedIn and make a calendar of essential publications that you can spread every week. Invite employees to follow it and register it as their current job.
206 – Create several product pages on LinkedIn with your most essential services, with the specific content of that product on each of these pages.
207 – Add your LinkedIn page to your scheduling tools (like Buffer), set publication times, and schedule all your most crucial valuable content: blog, YouTube, slides, and infographics.
208 – Make a list of LinkedIn communities where you can participate, comment, and publish your content of interest to the rest of the community.
209 – Create a SoundCloud account and create audio content to upload. You can record the reading of the content you already have or create specific ones, such as interviews, debates, and explanations.
210 – Create a SlideShare account and upload content in slide or PDF format. It is one of the social networks that best positions and you can embed it within your blog posts. You can use it to recycle existing content in another more visual and attractive format.
211 – Create a blog parallel to the official one on Tumblr. You can use it to have more relaxed or hooligan content, using videos, images, gifs, or small text publications. You can also use it as a compiler of your best audiovisual content: YouTube, SoundCloud, SlideShare, Instagram, Pinterest.
212 – Create your company page on Pinterest and configure different boards where you can collect images, infographics, and videos on various topics related to your niche. Link your URL with the information on the page.
213 – Create an account on Delicious and create valuable content to collect exciting links for your niche fans. Categorize them well, so they are easy to search and
214 – Study if you can create a list of Music on Spotify that adds value to your community, deals with your theme, or can be collaborative so that the members of your community add among all their favorite songs. For example, Music unites.
215 – Create an account on Periscope. Make a calendar of possible situations, events, or educational content that you can broadcast live. Communicate on your website and other social networks, the program you will follow, and invite everyone to follow you and be up to date.
216 – Create a company account on Snapchat to reach a younger audience. Recycle your best content and give exclusive material with an expiration date for your followers. It is the best tool to share something and generate a sense of urgency: if you don’t see it soon, it will disappear.
217 – Make a list of all the news aggregators to contribute something and deal with your topic. Establish which content you can upload already created and plan which of the following is more suitable. You can consider using Meneame, Mktfan, Divulgame, Bitacoras, Divobloguer.
218 – Investigate Meetup groups and sign up for those that your company or employees can participate in. Study if you can also propose to organize a small event or propose a topic with other participants.
219 – If your company deals with tourism, catering, leisure, or culture, you are interested in registering on TripAdvisor asking for reviews and opinions from your most loyal customers, and even advertising it at your point of sale.
220 – Create your podcasts from Ivoox, share your content directly from the platform, or insert it on your website to give your articles another style. Record your works, interviews, lectures, or performances if you dedicate yourself to Music.
221 – Take advantage of Snapchat stories to create ephemeral content such as limited offers or carry out actions that humanize your company.
222 – Take advantage of the new live video social networks like Twitch to advertise your brand. Think of proposals in static or dynamic formats to insert your brand or product during the video’s broadcast.
Also Read: Unlocking Efficiency: Top Free Social Media Management Tools for Your Business
Emotional Marketing And Neuromarketing Tips

223 – Apply Neuromarketing strategies to the design of your website. In this way, you will continue to improve usability and win over your users.
224 – Try to use content that appeals to the feelings and awakens the emotions of your users. You will get them to remember your products better.
225 – Use images of people performing habitual actions. It will activate the principle of familiarity in your clients, and they will feel identified with them.
226 – Come up with three price alternatives when presenting your products so that your customers opt for the intermediate option. This is due to the so-called mean trend effect.
227 – When writing your texts, you must use simple fonts that facilitate readability, but you can also include some more complicated-to-read fonts for those terms you want to highlight. The user will find it more challenging to read this information and, therefore, will memorize it even more.
228 – Sometimes, using the terms free or extra can activate brain biases that help your customer make a final purchase decision concerning your product. Try to awaken the mirror neurons of your users by appealing to their empathy.
229 – Seeks to create a feeling of belonging to your brand with good branding and solid principles. In this way, you will get them to become loyal followers of your products.
230 – Use the titles of your content wisely. Try to attract your users’ attention and arouse their curiosity to continue reading the content.
231 – Avoid using round figures when setting the price of your products. The users’ perception is different if we apply a price of 19.90 than if it is 20 euros.
232 – Offering service packages on many occasions reduces the “pain” experienced by the brains of our users, especially if the payment they have to face is high.
233 – When setting the price of your product, carry out a prior market study. It would help if you marked a price that your users consider “fair” based on the product type in question. Otherwise, they will not buy it.
234 – Offers different payment alternatives for customers. Users like to have a choice so that you will improve the volume of conversions of your eCommerce.
235 – Apply a quality seal on your website so that customers can verify that it is a safe site. You will improve their level of trust in your company.
236 – Include reviews or comments about your products. You have to look for them to be positive but do not make the mistake of introducing false comments since users will notice and, rather than benefit, this will harm you.
237 – When you carry out advertising campaigns, look for a way for your brand to be visualized and legible. The mere exposure effect will make the user more familiar with it each time they see it and, therefore, become fonder of it.
238 – Offer attractive packaging that attracts the attention of your customers. If you can stand out from the competition and get their attention, you will have many cattle because what we pay attention to is better memorized.
239 – Take advantage of important social moments to carry out actions in different channels and, if they are collaborative, all the better. By collaborating with these types of cases, you will activate your clients’ halo effect, making them see that your brand is supportive.
240 – Show the internal functioning of your company on Social Networks. Besides humanizing your content, you will show a transparent and natural company that does not mind showing its day today.
241 – Try to involve more than one sense when presenting a product to your customers. Experiential marketing campaigns work very well; they remain in the users’ memory and go viral more quickly.
242 – Ask your customers for their opinions on their products and remind them that they are essential. In this way, you will be able to activate their limbic system and the principle of exclusivity so they will develop more affinity for your brand.
243 – If you have an eCommerce, complete the purchase process with a landing in which you thank your customers for having purchased one of your products. It’s a way of showing them that you care.
244 – Personalize your emails as much as possible. Demonstrating that you know specific data about your customers and their buying habits will make them feel important and, therefore, activate emotional pathways.
245 – When making a sale, look for your client’s pain points and, above all, the way to solve them. It is useless to create a client’s need if you do not tell him later how he can solve it.
246 – Offers the ability to have fast shipping options. People love to receive immediate products at their doorsteps. This is why certain eCommerce stores like Amazon work so well.
247 – It is essential that, when creating content, you include visual formats. The brain has a preference for images and video so you will improve users’ stay time.
248 – Find a way to use organic shapes when presenting the packaging of your products. We pay more attention to products that have a more natural shape compared to those with square silhouettes.
249 – Act in networks that invite your users to play to complete the image. The cognitive effort they will have to make to do so will make them better remember your product and your brand.
250 – When you develop copies for your products, newsletters, etc., use storytelling to tell a story. The user will feel more identified and closer to your brand, so the possibilities of buying will multiply.
251 – Use expert testimony to activate the authority effect. When we assume that the person who is giving us the information is an expert in a subject, we give them greater credibility.
252 – Build positive associations with your product. Conditioning is always a good option if you want to improve your product’s image. For this, you can do as the Lays brand of potato chips did by associating its products with other healthier ones to reduce its users’ guilt when consuming.
253 – Take advantage of the countdown to offer discounts on your products. By having a limited time to purchase this product, the principle of urgency will be activated in your users, and they will feel more predisposed to buy a product.
Marketing Tips to Take Care and Retain Your Customer

254 – Create a WhatsApp account with a company mobile and configure it to manage it from the computer. Make the account known among your customers to have direct and fast communication with them and thus be able to retain them.
255 – Create a private Facebook group where you invite your best customers and give them advice and share material on how to get the most out of your products. You can also solve doubts and problems more instantly while being useful for other users.
256 – Create a strategy to promote content generated by users and, at the same time, retain them. For example, tell customers who buy from your business that they take a photo and upload it to your Facebook Fan Page when they use the product. For each published image, they will have a 10% discount on their next purchase.
257 – Create a VIP Club with your best customers and invite them three times a year to a market where they can buy your products or services at very low prices. That day, organize catering and hire a DJ to give an exclusive touch to the event.
258 – Offer a significant discount to those customers who make large purchases over a specific budget set by you.
259 – Create a Select Club with your most loyal customers to generate a sampling strategy; that is, they test and test your products or services for free before putting them on the market. That way, they will feel special and will have the opportunity to give you their opinion before anyone else.
260 – Ask your users for their opinions on the services provided. It will help you to know the quality of the services you offer and, also, it will show them that you care about their opinion.
261 – If your users make content related to your products and/or services, and you can share it, do not hesitate to do so. This way, you will make them feel special.
262 – Take the opportunity to offer exclusive content to your most loyal users. In this way, you will encourage them to interact with your brand again or buy your products tomorrow. Another exciting option is to offer them discounts in case they bring friends.
263 – Generate content with your users and make them part of your community. In this way, you will generate a unique feeling of belonging.
Marketing Tips for SEO and Search Engine Ranking

264 – Check that your website does not have duplicate content with other internet pages. You can use Copyscape as an online tool to analyze it.
265 – Study if your website does not have the same contents repeated in different URLs. Use Siteliner to analyze your domain and find duplicates. It is very common, both for repeated content, for bad redirects of your domain with www, or indexed taxonomies.
266 – Search all your URLs indexed in Google with the command site: yourdomain.com. You can discover indexed content that you are not interested in that is either very weak or not optimized.
267 – Make a study of all the SEO meta-titles of all your pages. With the command site: yourdomain.com, you can see them all quickly and mark which ones need improvement. You need to include the keyword and have a maximum of 512px wide; several characters no longer measure them.
268 – Check the meta-descriptions of your pages and write a specific one for each one. You have 156 characters; you must include the keyword and have some hook to increase your CTR.
269 - Use Google’s Search Console to examine what CTR you have for each different search in which your results come out. You should optimize the title for those with a low CTR since people see the result but do not click on it. Compare it with the other well-positioned results.
270 – Use Search Console to see which URLs give 404 errors and fix them or create redirects to other content.
271 – Review all your content to optimize using the keywords you want to position each URL. You must put the keyword in the title, URL, subtitles, the first paragraph, in bold, in the images, and repeat it. If you use WordPress, you can use the SEO Yoast plugin to guide you through each content.
272- Make a study of all your contents to see if they all have at least 300 words, and if the time spent on each one is adequate. Correct all those that do not meet the requirements.
273 – Check if your images are optimized. Download several different contents, pass them through TinyPNG, and see if they have lost a lot of weight. If so, reload all the ones you see that fail. You can use Gtmetrix to detect them too. And you can use Smush It or Ewww Optimizer to optimize them if you use WordPress.
274 – Study how relevant your domain is in the eyes of Google and if it carries any penalties. You can use Real Page Rank, Barracuda Penguin Tool, Ahrefs, Sistrix, Semrush, or other tools.
275 – Study your inbound links or backlinks. With all those from very bad pages, ghosts, or harmful anchor texts (viagra, porn.), make a list and use Disavow Tool so that Google does not relate to them. You can use Ranksingals or Search Console.
276 – Study what inbound links your competition has. Make a list with what you think you can get too, or give you some ideas to get more links. You can use RankSignals, Ahrefs, Majestic, Sistrix, Semrush, or other tools.
277 – Analyze your web page’s speed in different tabs and landing pages, at least the most important ones for your business. Use Gtmetrix to have many recommendations on how to improve them and to see in the Cascade mode, which is the slowest element.
278 – Check that your website is seen correctly on mobile devices. You can use Screenfly to view it in different resolutions. Do not pay attention only to the design but also to pages with videos and multimedia content or in iframes.
279 – Analyze the number of internal links you have in each URL. With Search Console, you can see the most and least linked, and then add more to the most important that do not have many.
280 – Make a study of which are your most shared URLs on social networks. You can use Socialcrawlytics or SharedCount to see which ones need a little push.
281 – Make a simple study of your website with an SEO audit tool. They will give you a series of tips to improve your SEO. Use, for example, Woorank, SEOoptimer, and SOEmator.
282 – Check that you have no broken links on your website, as Google scores it negatively. Use Brokenlinkcheck to do a quick scan and correct errors.
283 – Check all the audiovisual content you have on your website and make a transcription if you want them to position themselves much better. If you have content on YouTube or audio that you have not added to your website, you can order transcription, and you already have great new content.
284 – Identify how much Javascript your page loads and try to unify it in the least possible number them. You can use some tools like JS and CSS Optimizer.
285 – You unify the CSS style sheets in a smaller number of them and minify them (save code). You will significantly reduce the number of requests to the server that your page makes.
286 – Use a Crawl tool that analyzes your entire site for errors of all kinds. Screaming Frog is perfect for crawling your entire website and finding duplicates, indexing errors, and crashes.
287 – Install a Caché system on your website so that it loads much faster. You can use W3 Total Cache or Supercache if you use WordPress. Now that you enable Gzip your website is compressed and weighs less.
288 – Make an extensive list or ranking of your sector so that some of those mentioned can share and link you.
289 – Optimize your Robots.txt file to tell search engines which parts of your website you don’t want to index or to prohibit entry to undesirable robots that reload your server unnecessarily (and sometimes you scrape your content)
290 – Check who your hosting neighbors are and if the IP you share with others is healthy and there are no outrages with it. Use IP Neighbors or other tools.
291 – Make a review of all your old content older than one year and two years, and prepare proposals for improvement and updating for each one. This will ensure that permanence is maintained or recovered since people will not perceive it as expired.
292 – Study rich Snippets or formats you can use on your website to improve CTR. The stars, addresses, and breadcrumbs are usually exciting. You can use plugins or put them with HTML.
293 – Study what content on your website needs visual and content improvement: with more images, including videos, more and better text, and more links. Improve them to increase the time of permanence, the number of shares, the number of backlinks, and conversions. Make a list of all those that you can level up.
294 – Check the anchor text of your main competitors that better rank in Google and compare it with your link profile. Draw up a strategy that allows you to resemble those websites that Google is positioning at the top, always in the most natural way possible and spread over time.
295 – When writing a post on your blog, you have to consider the content and display it to increase the time a user stays. It’s not enough to create good content; you have to make it easy to read. Therefore, the idea is that in addition to inserting graphic content, you include “boxes” or frames with a different format to highlight certain parts of the content, such as a list of essential points, an example of an internal link to another entry on your blog that want to highlight.
296 – We can study keywords faster if we directly use tools like AHREFS to spy on the competition. We can export all the keywords for which they rank to Excel, and we would have our initial study done at the click of a button.
297 – It is essential to check the indexing of our website. Try to check the page’s index in Google Search Console weekly to check that everything is in order.
298 – To obtain a better SEO performance of the page, it is essential to carry out a correct web architecture. One of the best ways to get an ideal web architecture is based on the study of keywords in your sector; then, you can check with your site’s current architecture and check the differences.
299 – A correct SEO study of the sector is essential for the organic success of the project. How much authority do my competitors have? Do authority websites link them? Is it possible that they could have a similar authority?
300 – If we see that our niche is full of “giants” (websites of great authority), nothing happens. Although it is true that at the global level of the site, it will be challenging to compete, even so, we can focus only on a specific sector of our website and invest all our efforts in those more profitable/less competitive areas.
301 – It is necessary to identify the transactional areas of our website and the informative ones. Once done, if we see that our transactional site has little SEO potential (keywords with low volume), and we aim to increase organic traffic, we will have to focus efforts on the informative part (an area in which we can generate a large volume of traffic) to attract new users and later take them to the transactional site of our website.
302 – It is essential to be aware of how the SERPs evolve for our potential keywords. Are there many ads? Do you appreciate the Local Pack? Youtube Carrousel? The more visual elements in the SERPs, the less likely we will be to be clicked by the user on our result.
303 – Knowing the search intention of our main keywords is essential. A big mistake that many sites make has meant the loss of traffic / low acquisition capacity is to confuse informative keywords with transactional ones and vice versa. Or focus your strategy on keywords that are of “local” intention, for example. We must take this into account in our strategy.
304 – You may have enough authority and good SEO at the On-Page level. But if people do not click on your search results (snippets), you will not get CTR, and therefore, Google will not take the page into account for the first positions. Do we have attractive snippets? You always have to check how the competition is doing. Adding emojis or implementing rich snippets to make our results more attractive is a “must” in our SEO strategy today.
Also Read: 12 Ways to Boost Your SEO With Website Speed Optimization
Actionable Tips for Other Marketing Types

305 – Get the phone numbers of influencers, other brands, and your most loyal customers. Use the phone when you want to distribute unique content and seek support.
306 – Study the way to give the feeling of urgency to your services or products. For example, it shows the number of places or limited products that are missing, establishes a deadline for a price, and shows complete services.
307 – Think about what you can offer your customers, something extra that they don’t expect. You will be able to improve your recommendations in networks. The unexpected always works. If something is scalable, you can always give to everyone better.
308 – Establish a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) project for your brand. Collaborate with other institutions or develop your project. The best thing would be for your employees to participate and involve the entire company in it.
309 – Use Endomarketing so that your employees want to recommend your products and be ambassadors of your brand.
310 – Write a sponsored report in a conventional magazine that your target audience can read, offering valuable, useful, and interesting content for users. Never a commercial or advertising item. You can also sponsor a television or radio space where an expert gives tips and tricks related to your sector.
311 – Offers a free online course to users who subscribe to your blog. These types of actions are included within Growth Hacking, a type of marketing that has been a trend and is in fashion lately.
312 – Organize a contest on Facebook that encourages Online / Offline connection. For example, ask a riddle or propose a tongue twister and invite your followers to come up with the answer to a specific postal address (which may be one of your stores). Anyone who gets the riddle right or gets the tongue twister right the first time receives a gift.
313 – If your brand sells products, you can practice something that has been done all your life in cinema, television, and now also in video games: product placement. That is, your article appears in a subtle way or as part of the plot in a series, feature film, or game.
314 – Invite your most special clients to a course or workshop organized exclusively for them that you know they may be interested in. It does not have to be related to your products or services, but rather to topics or activities that your target audience may like: a cooking course, wine tasting, a photographic workshop, a race, or a fan marathon.
315 – Include neuromarketing techniques in your digital marketing strategy. In this way, you will be able to differentiate yourself from the competition and conquer your consumers.
316 – Offer free webinars to your potential clients on topics that may be of interest to them. In this way, you will be able to increase their interest and the chances of them taking action with your company.
317 – Create exclusive content or events in which you can make yourself known. You can even host an open house or a sample of your services.
Valuable Tips For Email Marketing

318 – Create a monthly newsletter design that you can use every month and add real value to your subscribers. Forget about commercial content and talking about yourself because that way, you will only burn your subscribers and stop them from opening your emails.
319 – Create another list of subscribers interested in receiving Flash Offers that only last a couple of days. Highlight it on your website so that buyers or interested parties subscribe to that commercial content because they expect to receive a discount.
320 – Automates the sending of emails by RSS so that when you publish new content, it is automatically sent to the selected database. Most email-sending platforms allow it, and it is easy to configure.
321 – Use your email to write one by one to your clients and ambassadors. The difference with mass email is excellent and is very wasted in companies that believe that it is not profitable to waste so much time. But you get brand ambassadors and a different relationship.
322 – Add the birthday dates to your database and congratulate your clients on their most special day. Technique popularized by El Corte Inglés easy to do by email and social networks.
323 – Create a Twitter subscription card to your email. People on Twitter can subscribe with just one click if they need to enter their email or data.
324 – Get emails at a local or physical point of sale as well. Invite your clients to write their email with a pen to receive some type of offers or exclusive digital content for them.
325 – Create powerful Call-to-action buttons and lead magnets on your website. You must apply the right copywriting strategies in them so that they attract your users.
326 – In your newsletter, place links to articles or content on your website. But first, remember that it is important that you develop good content and choose the type of newsletter that best suits your company.
327 – Create surveys in your newsletter to give them the option to participate, interact, and share with your readers a voice.
328 – In the main buttons of your newsletter, create tracking URLs associated with Analytics to see the behavior of readers when they arrive on your website and to be able to track everything that happens
329 – Create an original call to action to invite your audience to subscribe, giving a reason for strength and value, not just a commercial objective.
330 – Create free download elements (templates, resources, PDF, etc.) that invite you to subscribe to content.
331 – Segment your audience based on the way they interact with your content and/or products
332 – Create different tags to differentiate subscribers within your audience
Marketing Tips to Improve Conversion

333 – Use Google Analytics to see the duration of each of your pages. Write down all those in which the dwell time is low to modify them and add content.
334 – Study the conversion funnel with Analytics to see which point in the purchase process you lose more customers. Optimize that point to improve your conversions.
335 – Install the free version of Hotjar to study which areas of your website are the ones that arouse the most interest and where users move the mouse the most.
336 – Make a study with Hotjar of the percentage of Scroll made by visitors to each page. You will discover in which the user does not reach the end and which ones you must improve.
337 – Record your website visits in sessions with Hotjar. You will be able to “spy” on each of them and see what behavior the visitors follow on your page.
338 – Study the conversion data in Analytics to see the traffic sources that convert the most, not just the ones that give you the most visits. All visits do not convert the same, and you will discover which social networks or websites bring you more qualified traffic and interest in buying.
339 – Select several Analytics objectives and give them an economic value according to what they represent for the company. You can add an event in contact forms or links that help you add concepts when you don’t have a store.
340 – Make a profitability study of your strategy on each platform. Calculate the time and money you spend per month on each social network, on each website, or with each collaborator. Compare it with the conversions generated through each of them and their total economic value. Correct your strategy if, in some, you do not obtain the expected profitability.
341 – Propose several close people of different profiles to do a conversion test. Ask them to give you opinions and answer several questions about how they have perceived your website and the purchasing process. Sometimes in the company, we are not aware of how people who do not know your website or are unrelated to your theme or product see it from the outside. Besides, you can perform A / B tests that allow you to objectively visualize which versions of your website obtain the best results.
342 – To improve short-term conversions, identify and focus on those URLs that generate the most conversions on your website through Google Analytics and carry out different improvement actions related to copy, titles, headers, images, etc.
343 – Create events adapted to your project through Google Tag Manager and measure all those impressive hits for your business.
344 – It favors your website’s internal linking to those URLs that generate more conversions and where more objectives are met.
345 – Identify through Search Console the main words that are bringing traffic to your website and focus on those ranking in the first positions to increase visits and therefore improve conversions.
346 – Carry out a 360-degree strategy and use all the tools that digital marketing puts at your disposal to impact your target audience through different channels.
Marketing Tips For Google AdWords

347 – Create several Google Ads campaigns for search with your most important keywords and with the highest purchase intention. They are the most expensive, but the ones most likely to convert.
348 – Study all your AdWords campaigns’ profitability and decide which ones are below each product’s margin and which ones you should pause because they are not sufficient. Those that are profitable and you do not have a limit of products or services that you sell significantly increase the budget to sell much more.
349 – Create a Google AdWords search campaign with remarketing for those people who have already visited your website and are still looking for a service that you offer. You can raise your normal bid.
350 – Review the different search terms that activate your ads and add as a negative keyword, all those that do not generate conversions or those that have nothing to do with what you offer. Define with phrase match the possible keywords that generate the most errors.
351 – Check the hours at which your ads appear and change the bids to make more effort to get more profitability.
352 – Register different ad extensions for your campaigns. You can show in your ads the phone number, address, content of your website, and reviews.
353 – Create a Google AdWords campaign on Display (images) and segment it for different related keywords that trigger your ads on many web pages
354 – Create a Display campaign to make branding on different web pages chosen by you. This is called targeting by location. Use the location tool to discover all the pages you may be interested in advertising and use Adwords.
355 – Create a remarketing display campaign to remind all your website visitors of your services and products. They are usually quite profitable, and it makes your visitors not forget you.
356 – Design many animated banners in GIF or HTML5 to improve the conversion of your Display campaigns. You can also use the AdWords dynamic ads tool.
357 – Create a video campaign on YouTube InDisplay, which will show your recommended videos when people see another video from a particular channel or a specific theme.
358 – Create a YouTube InStream video campaign, with a 30-second video that people will see before a video. You will only be charged for those who see the full ad, not if they watch only 5 seconds.
359 – Create a video campaign with remarketing to show your videos to those who have already visited your website. It is a way to show those who already know you with another type of audiovisual content and closer.
360 – Spy on your competition to find out what keywords they use, how they shape their text and image ads, and how to improve yours. You can use Semrush, or Sistrix, or do it manually by searching for your keywords and listing your ads.
361 – Remember that you can use Google Data Studio to create reports in real time for your clients. This will free up time. The important thing is not reporting, but that the valuable information reaches the right person at the right time.
362 – Having your Google Ads account connected to Analytics will allow you, among many other things, to create highly advanced remarketing lists through segments.
363 – Constantly improve the quality level of your campaigns. This will allow you to achieve better results with a lower actual PCP. Remember, the higher the quality level, the lower the actual CPC.
364 – The dynamic insertion of keywords will allow you to improve the CTR of your ads. Test it!
365 – Use the ad preview and diagnostic tool to see your ads without spending impressions. You will also observe how the ad is displayed on different devices when it is activated and identify possible problems for which it is not activated or does so with low frequency.
366 – Use the AdWords Editor to make regular backups of your Google Ads accounts. Prevention is better than cure!
367 – A good design of display ads will considerably improve your results. Use clear, short, and compelling messages. Include a call to action in the message or as a button.
368 – You can carry out remarketing campaigns to users who visit your website and people who visit or subscribe to your YouTube videos.
Paid Online Marketing Tips

369 – Create many Twitter Cards to stand out much more with your ads created for Twitter. Make a good collection with different images and written arguments to study later which ones work best.
370 – Create an ad campaign in Twitter Ads with your best valuable content. Study its result and profitability to see if it is convenient for you to replicate it every time you make excellent content.
371 – Create a Twitter Ads campaign with your services or products, segmented for related keywords.
372 – Create a segmented Twitter Ads campaign with Remarketing for your website visitors.
373 – Create a segmented Twitter Ads campaign for the followers of several accounts of your competition. The best way to show yourself to new potential clients interested in your topic-
374 – Create a Facebook Ads campaign with your services aimed at a particular profile according to your target audience. You can segment by city, studies, romantic relationships, and interests.
375 – Create a calendar to promote your best Facebook posts at different times of the month reach many more people and make them more viral. If your fans are not very active, it is good to promote it only for your fans, so you reactivate them.
376 – Create a remarketing Facebook Ads campaign to show your publications to visitors to your website who may not yet follow you on Facebook. Even if they are not your fans, they will be more receptive because they already know you.
377 – Create a Facebook Ads Local campaign so that people who use Facebook Places and are in the same area will see your business highlighted.
378 – Create a Facebook Ads campaign to earn more Likes on your page. You will increase your community of followers, and you can segment it for those that meet specific characteristics.
379 – Create a Facebook Ads campaign where you create a discount coupon for one of your products. Try different segmentations and if one is profitable, repeat it and schedule it to do every month on the dates that suit you.
380 – If you upload videos to Facebook (highly recommended), you can run a video campaign to increase the number of views and reach many people.
381 – Sign up for an affiliate systems website and create a campaign. You will offer a commission to webmasters who want to promote your products on their website. You can use Zanox, Commission Junction, or others.
382 – Make a list of the most visited websites in your sector and write down the price they have to promote themselves and contact all those who do not put it on their website to see what price they offer to advertisers.
383 – Run an Instagram Ads campaign with creative images that arouse interest in your products. Since they started recently, they are now cheap and work quite well if your brand can create good images.
384 – Run a campaign on LinkedIn Ads. They are the most expensive, but you can get outstanding results, mainly if your company sells to other companies, and not to the end customer. It also makes sense for training and job postings.
385 – Look for well-known blogs that talk about your topic and offer to pay them for a sponsored post that speaks well about a service or product of yours.
386 – Study the possibility of contacting a YouTube channel to sponsor a video that will soon mention or talk about your product.
387 – Analyze the events of your sector and your theme in case you could sponsor an Event.
388 – Sponsor a cause or donate money to a Foundation or Association.
389 – Check the Facebook Ads Library to see what type of ads your competition is running.
390 – When you create a new page on social networks, you will have very few followers, so your messages will have little impact at first. You can create social ad campaigns specifically designed to get followers and thus increase followers’ critical mass in this first phase of your accounts.
391 – If you don’t have optimized landing pages for your website, you can run lead generation campaigns on Facebook and Instagram Ads. In this way, you can generate useful landing pages with personalized forms within these social networks.
392 – Images are a significant part of your campaigns in social ads. If you don’t have compelling images for your campaigns on Facebook and Instagram Ads, remember that within the application, when adding the image, you can select free images provided by Shutterstock. You have thousands of free photos at your disposal!
Also Read: Find Out What is Affiliate Marketing| An Ultimate Guide for Marketers
Marketing Tips For Your Online Store

393 – Place widgets to increase your online store’s usability and achieve more significant user interaction and higher sales. If you work in WordPress, with the WooCommerce plugin, you can insert a shopping cart widget, price filter, category menus, best-selling and best-rated products, etc.
394 – Analyze the best offers of transport companies on the market to optimize your profits and offer a better service to your online store’s customers.
395 – Add descriptions and images to the products of your online store. Try to use good quality images and various perspectives to analyze the product from all angles and increase their confidence.
396 – Use some product landing pages and position them well in Google to increase sales of a particular product and measure conversions.
397 – Post certifications and approvals in a visible place to increase user confidence. It also offers well-visible customer service to solve doubts before purchase and generate closeness.
398 – Make your customers loyal, so they come back and offer them promotions, discounts, and prizes. Use the newsletter to provide them with value. Treat them near, congratulate them on particular dates, and offer them advertisements on designated days.
399 – Allows all possible payment methods. Payment gateway with the card, PayPal, and cash on delivery. The more options, the fewer chances a user does not want to buy because they do not have their favorite payment method.
400 – Includes calls to action across the web to encourage users to purchase activity. Use attractive language, which enables you to click and discover the qualities of the products.
401 – Analyze which are the most sold product categories. Redesign your menus and layout structures to make them stand out.
402 – Pursue user interactions, and ask them to make reviews, reviews, comments, and ratings of the products. This increases the confidence of potential customers.
403 – Power cross-selling in your business. Offer products similar to the ones your customers have previously purchased.
404 – Raises the possibility of selling advance orders of products and/or services before they are available (Pre-Orders).
405 – Take advantage of the opportunities offered by digital downloads and the benefit that your users get the product immediately.
406 – Use plugins to create and update many products at the same time by importing CSV files.
407 – Create exclusive content with paid membership on your website.
408 – Sells products and services with recurring payments, where the payment can be daily, weekly, monthly, or annually—ideal for payments in monthly subscriptions.
409 – Offers a support service to improve service and communication with your customers.
410 – Allow your customers the ability to select a delivery date when placing an order.
411 – Defines shipping costs based on location, price, weight, or the number of items in the order.
412 – Customize the order checkout to request only the essential fields.
413 – Add related products on out-of-stock product pages to redirect the user to substitute products and avoid losing sales.
414 – Do you have links in your menu that take the user to the most important pages? Check if you have links to the essential pages of the store directly from the navigation menu. You can take the user to the store’s categories, to specific offers, to the best sellers, or even to a news section.
415 – Give discounts to users who buy in your store after the last step of the purchase. This action will help you build loyalty and get recurring sales from your customers.
416 – Improves the usability of the website by adding dynamic filters on the product category pages. These filters allow the user to refine their search by clicking or interacting with the different elements straightforwardly and intuitively without leaving the current page.
Also Read: How to Build an Online Store from Scratch Like a Professional
Marketing Tips For Other Media Platforms

417 – Offer to participate in a traditional or online radio that deals with a topic related to your sector. Write a good value proposition so that they are more likely to count on you.
418 – Make a list of blogs with the most visits on your topic and offer to write them a post as a guest. In many cases, you can talk about your product or link to your website.
419 – Work and have direct contact with the press or digital media for which you can write from time to time. Make a list of everyone you can collaborate with and prepare an email to offer your help to all of them.
420 – Create collaborative content between several web pages so that it can be downloaded from all of them and all participants have visibility from the other webs
421 – Give it a spin and recycle some of your excellent content to give it as a gift to a digital medium or another website
422 – Create collaborative events with other media in which you can all participate and be protagonists.
423 – Create a calendar with relevant dates for your niche. Get organized to create relevant press releases around those dates. For example, you can create content related to going back to school, Christmas, or any important date.
424 – If you have a podcast or YouTube channel, you could invite journalists and be the ones to interview them.
Personal Brand Tips

425 – Include a page about the team on your company’s website where you highlight each of your employees’ specialties and strengths. Put a photo of each one and link their blog and professional social networks.
426 – Employees who blog for the company must sign their articles. Create a user for each employee and complete the “biographical information” section, highlighting each worker’s profile and specialty.
427 – Take professional photos of your employees for their social media profiles: well-lit, quality, where they are seen well, recognized, and in a professional environment.
428 – That your employees put the same profile picture and the same username on their most professional social networks: LinkedIn, Twitter, and Google+.
429 – Your employees create their blog to work on their brand and write articles related to their profession. Please encourage them to buy their domain (.es or .com) with their first and last name.
430 – Invite your employees to have an “about me” page on their blog where they speak in the first person, be close, tell the reader how they can help, reflect on their trajectory, and include a good photo of themselves.
431 – Create a LinkedIn profile for each employee with a personalized URL and a profile photo visible to all users (not just their contacts). Each employee joins five groups related to the sector to participate in them twice a week actively.
432 – Create a Twitter account for each employee, with an excellent professional description with keywords and a link to their blog. They publish five tweets/day, share interesting content from the sector (their own, the company, or others), and comment or retweet what others post.
433 – Create an Instagram profile for each employee, completing all the “about me” sections: history, job (where their role within the company should be highlighted), studies, necessary information, contacts, and links.
434 – Increase the number of followers of each worker on Twitter using tools like ManageFlitter. Follow other professionals in your profile, references, potential clients, competitor accounts, and specialized blogs. Now and then, clean up users who don’t follow back.
435 – Manage your employees’ Twitter accounts with scheduling tools like Buffer. Choose the best content in their specialty and, from time to time, publish material from your company on their profiles.
436 – If you have the opportunity, create online and offline events to meet and engage your audience. For example, meetings on Twitter, Direct on Facebook, Instagram or Periscope, Webinars, and Video calls.
437 – Create a calendar of events related to your audience and invite them and participate with them.
438 – If you have the possibility, from time to time, to create an offline event (it can be informal) to network and de-virtualize your audience. If the event also has something formative, great.
439 – Take care of your image on Social Networks to be consistent with what you are offering on other channels. You must use your usual corporate colors and brand images and follow the same tone of the company.
440 – Share content from other like-minded professionals that may be useful to your community. It can help you establish and improve relationships and generate conversation and a particular affinity with them.
Networking Tips

441 – Make business cards with your design and branding to offer at events, meetings, or networking actions. They continue to work to have more direct contact.
442 – Celebrate special occasions in your company by giving a party. You can invite friendly companies, clients and employees. A way to retain them, have more material to participate in networks, and humanize your brand.
443 – Make a list of the existing fairs in your sector and ask yourself if you can attend or even invest in a stand to publicize your services and network.
444 – Make personal cards for employees that include: their photo, their name, and surname, their specialty, their position within the company, their mobile, their email, and their blog.
445 – Create a calendar with the conferences and events of the sector and try that your team has a presence in the most important ones. Interestingly, your employees attend in person as listeners or participants to continue learning, contributing, gaining visibility, and networking.
446 – Write an article on your company’s blog about each event you participate in, linking the organizers and speakers. When you share it on social media, mention everyone you talk about. You can also send it by email to the professionals you have met at the event.
447 – If you cannot attend in person, have your employees actively participate in the hashtags of your niche’s main events. So, you find out about the most important topics that have been discussed. Also, you can contribute your point of view and experience.
448 – Organize your event where other professionals, companies in the sector, and specialized media attend. It is an excellent way to gain visibility and exchange information of interest with other colleagues. It also serves to “de-virtualize” and humanize your brand. Create a hashtag.
449 – Once a year, organize a course or Master Class inviting leaders from the sector so that your employees continue to train, are recycled, and your company is in contact with the top.
Tips to Improve Your Product

450 – Create a satisfaction survey to pass on to your customers. You can use Typeform.
451 – If you have a business with a point of sale, offer a paper questionnaire where users can rate and comment on their satisfaction.
452 – Analyze all the comments you receive on social networks, blogs, and email. Conclude the things that demand the most and propose actions to correct them.
453 – Make a list of all the doubts you have about your company’s upcoming services and products. Ask through social networks every month about some questions, get your audience involved, and give you their opinion of what they would like or need.
454 – Prepare an email where you ask customers after a while what experience they have had with your product or service. Take the directions into account.
455 – Analyze the positive comments that customers make to your competition. What they are valuing, most of them are clues of what you should do.
456 – Analyze the criticisms and worst evaluations made by your competitors’ customers and make sure you are not making the same mistakes.
457 – Create a public comment page where your customers can leave comments or improvements. Answer them when you have taken action. Not only will you have excellent tracks, but you will also make them feel part of the progress of your brand, and you will think that you listen to them.
458 – Listen to your audience, study the market and the competition, and offer better products and services. Do something different and better than the competition.
459 – Look for the strengths of your brand, your products, or services and enhance them against the market competitors.
460 – Your content, your products, and your services must be the best if you want to stand out. Train yourself and work to achieve it.
Also Read: Effective Tips to Write Powerful Product & Service Description: Features vs Benefits
Content Generation Tips

461 – Make interactive content with tests or small games. Do for each class of the Community Manager Course a Test of 20 questions to check if they know all the matters. Example
462 – Create a PDF Catalogue of your products and services. You can offer it on your website and upload it to social networks with Scribd, Issue, or Slideshare.
463 – Create slides in PowerPoint or Keynote to visually explain other content you have in different formats. You do not need to do anything new but rather serve as a recycling of content.
464 – Create infographics based on other content of yours. You can use Piktochart or even better tools like Photoshop and Illustrator.
465 – Create an eBook with the articles from your blog. You can then offer it as a featured download to your visitors, even in exchange for subscribing to your mailing list.
466 – Create an eBook from scratch with exclusive content for your subscribers. They will be not only able to read you on your website but also in offline content, an electronic book, and even in print.
467 – Create various posters that your visitors can download and print on their own. Make creative designs and include your brand logo to help you make branding. If you have made infographics, you can give them the form of a poster. Example
468 – Create an App for mobile devices that allows your customers and target audience to consult your news, blog, products, and services, or even make purchases from their smartphone or tablet. You must bear in mind that more and more users consult the internet on the way to work, on the street, and away from home. Every time we use the desk less and more the mobile.
469 – Design simple tutorials in a single image with three or 4-step processes. Then you can easily share that material through Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, or WhatsApp. You can even insert it into blog articles, eBooks, or videos. To create these tutorials, we recommend tools like Photoshop, Canva, or Picmonkey.
470 – Record podcasts with expert interviews, discussions, tips, recommendations, etc., that provide useful information and data for your users and potential customers. You can create these audio files and publish them on Soundcloud; a social network specialized in this format. Then, insert them on your website or blog and, of course, share them through your social networks.
471 – Take advantage of the appearance of new formats such as video. In this way, you will be able to create unique content that you can use in different channels (written content, short videos for Social Networks, etc.)
472 – Use the new formats offered by Social Networks to generate content. For example, Instagram stories or direct can be an excellent alternative to create participatory content.
473 – Create magazines or other interactive content to offer to your users. Besides, you can count on their participation to carry out any of the sections and thus improve their loyalty.
474 – Develop different games so that your community can participate. You can take advantage of online applications such as Kahoot to develop trivials with the content or the other formats that Social Networks offer you. Find a way to be original and differentiate yourself from your competition.
475 – Generate participatory content with other experts in the sector. In this way, you will also promote networking actions.
476 – Create content of value for your audience. Use emotional or informative content depending on the one that best suits your brand or business and the multimedia formats you will use to bring it to your users.
Design Tips

477 – Make or order a restyling of your brand so that it adapts perfectly to the web and transmits modernity without losing its essence. If your logo is old, in an online environment, this will be even more evident. Update it.
478 – Create all kinds of graphic elements where your logo appears so that a coherent brand image is displayed on all sites (website, headers, and profile photos on social networks, newsletters, email signatures, banners, etc.).
479 – Analyze the colors you use on your website. They may not be getting your message across correctly. Do not abuse the colors; use two primary colors and a third to highlight an element. This gives a more professional image.
480 – If you have a blog, create a graphic manual for blog elements such as headers and icons. Define a broad color palette in the headers of the articles so that the posts do not look too similar to each other. Define a specific style for images: photos, vectors, illustrations, etc. Be consistent with this.
481 – Avoid images downloaded from Google; this takes away personality and professionalism from your online presence. Take or order good photos of your business and show them on your online support to increase branding.
482 – Encourages internal branding by creating posters, calendars, signage, merchandising elements, etc. The brand image is projected outwards but also inwards.
483 – Run a contest for users to redesign your logo or a poster with your brand. This type of action, in which your graphic image is the center, serves to enhance its presence in the collective imagination.
484 – Renew your graphic library. From time to time, buy good-quality images and icons from specialized places. This makes a difference on a graphical level and does not have to be very expensive.
485 – Analyze if your logo and brand image are seen correctly on all devices. If your logo is a bit complex or has small parts, you can use a somewhat simpler and iconic version of the logo on mobile devices. Create a high-resolution version for retina or iPhone devices.
486 – Always stay up to date on graphic trends. Look at publications and compilation articles from time to time with the latest visual and web design trends and try to make sure your brand always looks good. Don’t let your brand become obsolete. Renew.
487 – Choose a suitable typeface for your designs. For this, you can consult Google Fonts and see all the options it offers you.
488 – Take care of the alignments of the texts. If your text is disorganized, it will give the feeling of sloppiness, so you must align it correctly.
489 – Take care of the kerning between characters.
490 – Create an excellent portfolio to show your best work. It will be your best cover letter, and you can take advantage of it to show off all the job done.
491 – Search for references on social networks such as Instagram. They can serve as inspiration for possible projects tomorrow.
492 – Try inserting gradients in your images. For this, you can use Photoshop’s free gradient tool.
Marketing Tips For Forums and Groups

493 – Search for Communities related to your brand on Google. Make a list of the best 30-50 based on the number of participants, degree of activity, and update of publications, and then have a ranking according to their relevance.
494 – Make a list of the 50 best Facebook groups and subdivide them by categories. Request admission to all of them and define the days of the week and the time you will spend publishing on each of them.
495 – Make a list of 30-50 LinkedIn groups related to your topic and where your target audience is. Become a member of the group or ask for admission if they are private.
496 – Create a publication calendar to organize: the day, the hours of publication, and the type of publication (video, article, image, image gallery, survey, etc.).
497 – Set a routine of 10 min a day in which your goal is to participate in the groups: answer the questions of other users, add opinions to open dialogues, ask questions and share reflections, reinforce positive links with +1, likes, and recommendations.
498 – List the best blog and web content by topic in an Excel file to use later in groups. (Delete commercial messages, or you will be marked as spam).
499 – Make a list of all the forums on your topic and study in which it can be more interesting to be an active and participant user. Forums are not in fashion, but there is a lot of traffic and debate.
500 – Detect who are the most active users and brands in the forums you participate in to follow them and list them as featured users.
501 – Create private groups on Facebook or LinkedIn for your best clients and use them as an exclusive communication channel.
502 – Find a way to create participatory actions in the groups you administer. Encouraging interaction will create a better brand image for your company.
503 – Create exclusive groups with your most loyal users or customers to offer them content created specifically for them.
Marketing Tips For Promotions And Contests

504 – Prepare six games for Facebook (to publish one every two months). The best comments win a prize. For example, write an incomplete sentence for users to finish it, ask fans how they want your next product to be, or design an image with two options for followers to say which one is their favorite and why.
505 – Think of 3 Instagram hashtag contests (one per quarter). He invites fans to upload photos on his profile with a theme and a hashtag in all three cases. The best images can be viewed on a page of your website created exclusively for each campaign.
506 – Think about two charitable causes you can support per year and design two personalized images with your logo to share on Instagram. Invite your fans to post that photo on their profile or repost with a hashtag. For each user who carries it out, you will donate € 1 (or the amount you can afford) to an association related to the cause.
507 – Prepare three contests for Twitter and launch one per quarter, always with your hashtag. For example:
Create a tweet with an image and invite fans to give it a title (the most creative phrase wins).
- Write an original tweet and have users retweet it to enter your giveaway.
- Ask a question and ask them the three best answers will have a prize.
508 – Create a YouTube video contest where your fans show their creative skills (dance, song, recipe, makeup process). Make a page on your website with the bases and a form to upload the video. Promote the contest on your other social networks. Then, make a playlist on your YouTube channel with the participating videos.
509 – Promotes offline-online connection. Every time your company organizes an event or activity on one of your premises, set up a photocall area for people to take photos and upload them to Twitter or Instagram with a hashtag. The publications that have the most likes are entered into the raffle for a batch of your products.
510 – Create a contest for LinkedIn in which people have to demonstrate their professional skills. For example, a design for an advertising campaign. To whoever wins, you can offer some free advice on any of your services.
511 – Run a raffle through Instagram stories in which users have to share their content to get the prize. For example, a free product or a sample of it.
Tips to Fix Marketing Errors

512 – Review which social networks you have automated tasks on. It is not such a good idea to have automatic private messages, since many times they damage the image more, and you lose humanity.
513 – Not having clear and defined objectives prevents you from improving and correcting your Marketing actions. For this, it is essential to implement analytical measurement and conversion tools and activities on your website. For this reason, always establish objectives and KPIs that can be measurable and comparable in time and start to measure from day 1 of your Marketing actions.
514 – It is a false myth that “a company has to be on all social networks. “It is not necessary to be on all Social Networks, but it is strategic to have a presence on social networks where your target audience is and where you can create and share content that is useful for your followers. It is a mistake to open accounts on social networks in which your company cannot record the range and quality of the publications.
515 – Study your publication rate on all your social networks. A failure in your strategy can be to publish a lot and saturate your followers or clients. On Facebook, making four useful posts a week is enough. On Instagram, 1 or 2 posts a day at most.
516 – Make a good study of the target audience and a correct segmentation for your campaigns: keywords, geolocation, gender, interests, etc.; Skipping this section makes your campaigns have little impact, and the conversion rate of your goals is very low.
517 – Redesign your website because having a website that is not responsive, that does not allow updates, or the installation of design and performance plugins makes search engine positioning very difficult. That is why you should review and correct code errors, duplicate content, links, and everything related to on-page SEO. Companies want to do online Marketing through obsolete, slow websites that take time to load, are not intuitive, and do not look good on mobile devices.
518 – Create a blog and do Content Marketing. If your brand does not have a blog where you can share useful content with your audience, it condemns you to make only commercial content. Commercial content is not only more expensive, but it will also always go below valuable content, which is what your audience reads, shares, and recommends on Social Networks.
519 – Invest in Social Media. Believing that Social Networks are free is also a prevalent error. Indeed, opening an account and managing it is possible for free. Still, it is necessary to invest and carry out promotional campaigns (correctly segmented) to increase your publications’ reach and interaction.
520 – Transcribe and optimize your audiovisual content. Not optimizing the images on your website will make it very difficult to position your website. First of all, because Google bots do not interpret photos or videos (only text and code), so you can have the best video, but Google will not know how to position it through content and keywords. Secondly, if you don’t use adapted images, they can look pixelated or too heavy for the web format. Something that slows down the loading time of your website.
521 – Work with Professionals. If you go to people who are not trained in Social Media, SEO, SEM, and Marketing, it can lead your company to lose a lot of time, a lot of effort, and of course, a lot of money. The best definition is that Marketing is the compendium of actions and strategies that help optimize all resources (technical, human, and economic) so that your campaigns meet your objectives.
522 – Listen to other people. It does not consist of just listening to your clients; you can also ask workers or friends and brainstorm with the different points of view that they offer you. To establish improvements.
523 – Train yourself continuously. The workplace is continually updated, so you must keep up to date with all the news in the sector to offer the best to your clients. For this, you can create a Feedly where you collect all the media that may be interesting for your sector.
Tips to Improve Customer Service

524 – Take a picture of your most loyal customers in your business, create a collage with all of them, and highlight them on Instagram. Label them in the image and accompany the text with the hashtag #ClientesdelMes.
525 – Once a month, at times or days when your business is not open, offer your customers the opportunity to contact and ask for advice through WhatsApp, a Facebook post, or a Twitter hashtag. You can provide answers with tutorials, ideas, or solutions to their questions. Set the specific day and time slot that you are going to use.
526 – Create online and offline satisfaction tests or surveys to listen to contributions and improve your services. Pay attention to their observations and make their advice visible so that your clients see that their suggestions have paid off.
527 – Create a private Facebook group to serve the public with your closest and most participative clients, even with your brand ambassadors.
528 – Leave an opinion section for clients in your newsletter and allow them to express in private, and even anonymously, their opinions about your services and products to improve.
529 – Use tools (Mention, Social Mention, Hootsuite, Sprout Social, etc.) that help monitor, and detect comments, opinions, and mentions about your brand or sector.
530 – Be professional for giving information by phone or email. It is essential that you be kind, and patient, and know in depth the products, services, times, and dates of your business activity so that he knows how to give the arguments well and transmit the strengths of your brand (quality, competitiveness, etc.).
531 – Create contact forms on all landing pages of your website. Also, add the email and phone number to make it easier for them to contact you directly.
532 – Use platforms (such as Zendesk) and mobile applications (Inbox) with an effective notification system, which helps you improve the speed of response to frequently asked questions from your customers or users on social networks.
533 – Create a private area on your website or an entire landing page for clients with tutorials and screencasts on the most frequent questions and doubts.
534 – Check all the negative reviews and opinions you find all over the internet. Make a list of the most common failures to solve them and contact the people who made them attend to them and try to solve them one by one. If you bring them to fruition, ask them to eliminate negative opinions.
Marketing Tips For WordPress Site

535 – Change the passwords of all users, especially those with administrator permissions, so that they are strong and challenging to identify. They must have uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and special characters.
536 – Install a cache plugin like W3 Total Cache to speed up your site’s loading speed by offering a static saved version of each page.
537 – Install a security plugin like Wordfence that prevents brute force attacks, DDOS, and modifications to your installation files while alerting you to possible attack attempts.
538 – Change the theme, choosing one created with HTML5 and CSS3 code, is responsive, minimalist, fast loading, easy to configure, with customization tools, and compatible with visual layout designers.
539 – Reduce the elements of the navigation menu to the minimum essential for your brand and services. In this way, you will improve the percentage of clicks and conversion into effective actions.
540 – Model and design your site’s cover so that all its sections and sections generate visitor actions towards your products or services, avoiding any link to other external sites.
541 – Install and accurately configure an SEO plugin such as All in One SEO Pack or Yoast SEO, making sure to complete all integration settings with social media and webmaster tools.
542 – Change your site to a hosting optimized for WordPress, with exclusive tools such as easy management of file and folder permissions, specific security rules, and, above all, specialized support in WordPress.
543 – Always use the latest updated version of WordPress, plugins, and themes to stay up to date against vulnerabilities and possible hacker attacks.
544 – Install and configure backup tasks using a plugin such as BackWPup or similar, which automates backups of the database, configuration files, and uploaded files.
545 – Check that the WordPress installation files and folders have the correct permissions: 644 for files, and 755 for folders. Otherwise, change them from the panel of your accommodation or through your favorite FTP client.
546 – Installs an anti-spam protection system in comments and access and registration pages such as Google’s reCaptcha.
547 – Activate GZip compression to improve your WordPress’s loading speed, by accessing the hidden WordPress configuration page at http://mydomain.com/wp-admin/options.php and changing the gzip compression parameter from 0 to 1.
548 – Avoid and eliminate any 404 (page not found) error from your site using the Broken Link Checker plugin, which checks your entire site and links to show you any internal or external errors and offers you the solution.
549 – Using many plugins can greatly slow down the loading speed of your website. You can use the P3 Plugin Performance Profiler to see which plugins are making your WPO levels worse. Then you can delete it, so it doesn’t take up space!
550 – Includes a Slider to capture the user’s first impression.
551 – Create a contact form on your website so that users can contact you.
552 – Includes a logo adapted to different modes (light / normal/dark) and the mobile version.
553 – Don’t forget to incorporate the WhatsApp chat Plugin to improve communication with the user.
554 – Remember to optimize the images on your website to avoid unnecessary weight.
555 – Make correct use of contrasts, primarily if you use a colored background. Otherwise, you run the risk of poor visibility.
556 – Facilitate contact with your users by integrating a fixed call button on mobile devices. This will allow users to contact you directly and quickly.
Also Read: Complete Tutorial of WordPress Installation With cPanel
Marketing Tips for Geolocation

557 – Da high your local business on Google My Business complete the registration process and verify your location to appear on Google Maps. It includes all the information related to the schedule, contacts, and links of the company.
558 – Collect the best photos of the premises and the company’s employees to include them in the Photos section of your local Google My Business page.
559 – Contact a photographer or Google-certified agency to include the Business View business service to your business to incorporate a 360º visit to your facilities.
560 – List your ambassadors, employees, friends, and family and ask them one by one by phone, email, or private message for a review of your business on Google Maps.
561 – Customize the signature of your newsletter and the entire team’s emails, including a map and the location of the company.
562 – Make a list and group by theme the different social networks, apps, and online tools based on geolocation to assess registering your business and increasing visibility through other channels such as Foursquare, Yelp, 11870, eltenedor, Minube, and Tripadvisor.
563 – Detect if there are lists of companies of your theme made by other users on relevant blogs or websites to include your company and promote inbound links (backlinks).
564 – Edit and configure your website’s footer and contact form to include information and links to your location on Google Maps.
565 – Register your business on Facebook by creating a “Local Business” category Fan Page to include the Facebook Places rating section. Get at least 15 clients, ambassadors, and staff related to the brand to leave their assessments and comments.
Marketing Tips to Engage Influencers

566 – Detect influential people in your sector, both through their blogs and on social networks, through tools and platforms, or bloggers’ lists and recommendations.
567 – Write comments on your blogs’ best entries, providing complimentary content and points of view.
568 – Write a post with a list of the excellent references in your sector, link their blogs, or make compilations that allow you to add hyperlinks to the influencers’ websites. Mention them when you share them on social media.
569 – Give away or lend your product to influencers so they can try it. Share the results and ask them to recommend it on social networks. For example, they post a mention tweet and a photo of the product on Instagram or Facebook.
570 – Create a collaborative article interviewing experts on a topic and highlighting the specialty of each one. Link to them in the post and spread the material on your social networks, mentioning them all.
571 – Create an offline meeting inviting prominent bloggers from your sector and ask them to write about the event or to help you spread the word.
572 – Specialize a topic and request to write as a guest posting (for free) on an influencer’s blog or several in your sector.
573 – Create a list on Twitter with influencers. Participate frequently in their communication by retweeting, highlighting, and adding value to their content.
574 – Create a post on Facebook with an image that highlights the excellent references in your sector. Mention or tag them in the photo so that they know and increase the possibilities of dissemination.
575 – Take advantage of specific moments or dates to include account recommendations and mention influencers. Also, take the opportunity to ask your followers again to recommend accounts, and thus, you will be able to generate participatory content.
576 – Search on LinkedIn for influencers related to your sector and contact them. You must develop a brief note in which you state why you want to contact that person.
Tips For Web Analytics

577 – Set conversion goals in Google Analytics to study which visitors meet your goals and which traffic and content sources help you achieve them.
578 – Make a study of the Conversion Funnel on your website to discover and analyze the sales process phase you lose the most users and how to improve each one.
579 – Create a custom report or Dashboard with all the essential metrics for your business. This way, you will have all the vital data at a glance, and you will be able to monitor the results more quickly.
580 – Create events for the most important buttons, links, or forms on your website and thus be able to track and study how many people click on them and where they come from.
581 – Create a dashboard with access to all your Google Analytics accounts and thus be able to examine how many visitors you have in all of them in real-time and data on the same site. You can use Cyfe, Gecko Board, or others.
582 – Make a study of which reference web pages send you the most traffic thank them and close collaboration with them. Maybe they can link you more and send you even more visits.
583 – Configure Universal Analytics to have demographic data on the age and gender of your visitors. Redefine your target audience and discover the traffic sources that send you an audience related to your needs.
584 – Learn to use Google Tag Manager and implement it on your website. It will facilitate third-party tags (e.g., Google Analytics tag, Google Ads global site tag, Facebook pixel.). You can create your events without having to touch the web code.
585 – Make use of user session recording tools like Hotjar. You will discover how the different user profiles navigate your website, and it will help you eliminate preconceptions concerning this topic. You are going to get many surprises!
586 – Do not forget to make annotations in Google Analytics every time a relevant event occurs for your website (e.g., server crashes, migrations, new campaigns.). It will significantly facilitate post-hoc analysis, primarily if you work as a team.
587 – Through programs such as Analytics Edge or the Spreadsheet Google Analytics extension, you can directly create your custom reports in a spreadsheet without importing the data from Analytics. Save time and optimize your work time!
588 – If you want to start investigating how Google Analytics works, but still do not have access to a real account, remember that you can request access to the Google Merchandise Store account.
589 – Always have a campaign tagging guide. It is a document that details how to tag all incoming links: newsletters, social publications, affiliations, and paid campaigns. In this way, you ensure that the information reaches standardized Analytics, and you will save yourself a lot of problems, especially if more than one person is working on the project.
590 – If you configure searches on the site from Google Analytics, you will see what people are looking for on your website and cannot find. It might even give you ideas for new products!
591 – Invests 20% of the budget in analytics tools and 80% in good analysts.
592 – Don’t just stay on the web data: CRM, finance, sales … everything is connected!
593 – Correctly define your objectives, relevant metrics, and KPIs: doing it well will simplify your work and focus on what is truly important for the business.
594 – Make your reports attractive and highlight the most relevant information. If not, people will not read and/or understand them, so all the relevant information you must communicate will be lost.
595 – Automate everything you can use tools like Google Data Studio: let the machines do the reporting work. You focus on analyzing the data and transforming it into valuable information for the business.
596 – Always link Google Analytics with Google AdWords to obtain more complete data from your campaigns, based on the users’ behavior who visit your website.
597 – Activates the Demographic Data and interests and User Metrics reports in the reports. It also activates the remarketing function at the property level to have more complete data in your audience reports.
598 – Review and activate the amendments to the data protection law at the property level so that you can make more effective marketing campaigns.
599 – Activate the functions of Google Signals so that through the reports that Google Analytics will activate shortly, you can know from different devices the online and offline behavior of your users. For example, the percentage of users who visited your physical store (detected through their mobile device).
600 – Activate the Enhanced Electronic Commerce functions to obtain more possibilities for monitoring marketing campaigns on your website other than the standard ones.
601 – Use the Enhanced Ecommerce Code Guide to get the codes for advanced eCommerce features and track them with Tag Manager.
602 – Create custom audiences for users who meet non-transactional objectives or reach an advanced point of the conversion funnel without actually doing it to create more effective remarketing campaigns.
603 – If your business is an eCommerce, create remarketing audiences for those who have abandoned the shopping cart or the purchase’s processing, using the automatic segments offered in the conversion reports> electronic commerce.
604 – Use Google Sheets to import third-party data combine it with Google Data Studio and convert it into charts. For example, for reports from Facebook Insights or Twitter.
605 – Create reports in Google Data Studio, taking advantage of all Google data sources: Analytics, YouTube, Search Console, and Google AdWords.
Also Read: Launching A Web Site with No Experience Has Now Become A Reality
Other Types of Valuable Options

606 – Make a list of possible associations or foundations in favor of the environment, children’s rights, people at risk of social exclusion, or groups that promote support for the sick and research into diseases. Decide which ones you can join and how you can participate in their initiatives.
607 – Make a compilation of healthy lifestyle habits that you can promote among your employees, customers, and followers. Think of formulas and actions to promote these initiatives and give them visibility through your blog and social networks.
608 – Include in your database the birthdays of your clients and the social media you can get. Have an exceptional detail with them that day: a small gift to collect at your stores, a discount on their next purchase, or a personalized post on Instagram or Facebook.
609 – Make a list of all the important events and appointments in your sector and think carefully if you are interested in sponsoring one. If so, offer yourself to the organizers.
610 – Make a selection of famous or prominent people from public life (actors, singers, television presenters, athletes.) who could be good ambassadors for your brand. Think, above all, of the people you engage with your target audience. Send them your products or services for free.
611 – Create a list of traditional newspapers and magazines (print media) that may be interesting to your potential customers and raise the possibility of advertising.
612 – Make flyers and cards with your corporate image and good copywriting to deliver to nearby stores and businesses whose target audience matches yours. For example, if you have a hairdresser for women, it would be interesting to reach agreements with fashion stores, accessories, shoe stores, beauty centers, or restaurants in your area so that they have your cards or flyers (and you yours).
613 – Create guides or complete downloadable content that may be useful to your users and offer them for free. They will make you known to your users and improve your brand image.
614 – Find a way to establish collaborations with other leaders in your sector. In this way, you will make yourself known by improving the brand image.
615 – Offer free content of value to your users. They can be downloadable books, training webinars, or even a free trial of your services.
616 – Create 360 actions. That is, they cover both Social Networks and your blog, email marketing campaigns, etc. This way, you will be able to conquer your customers.
Mary Riyanna
Hi Max,
It took me a long time to complete reading your article and I’m not sure how much time and effort you have put to complete it.
It is to be highly appreciated. I had already read some articles on web analysis services, web analytics etc. but this article is really informative. I got several new pieces of information and ideas after completing it. This is really going to help many to get good insights into digital marketing.
Thank you so much max for sharing your valuable information and time. Keep on writing and expecting more similar articles in the future.
Thanks for sharing these tips, most of them are known to me, but some are new and seem effective to me. I generally follow kuware.com for digital marketing-related tips, adding yours to my list as well.