Got A Web App Idea...
But Don't Know Where To Start?

  • Our Web Development Services Can Help!

The Right Team - The Right Solution!

Whether you have an idea or need for a particular web application, specific functionality, or even a unique business model that requires a sound web/back-end platform, can make it happen! Whether it's a simple process or a complex back-end enterprise functionality solution, we deliver.

Tell Us What You Need!

Our team will develop the right solution at a highly competitive budget.

Our Web Development Services And Capabilities:

  • Custom/Proprietary Software Development
  • B2B & B2C Portals
  • CMS & CRM Integration Systems
  • Flash Development
  • ERP Integration Solutions
  • Ecommerce Development Solutions
  • Database Integration Solutions
  • BPA (Business Processes Automation)
  • Secure Payment Systems Solutions and Management
  • Search Engine and Data Match Solutions
  • Open Source Cart Integration (Several Platforms)
  • Customized Web Functionality
  • Backend Systems's development process is unique and highly efficient. Our 100% in-house team of developers, programmers and technicians follow a proven system that helps us turn our client's visions into reality.

Layout of Development Process

Phase 1: Let's discuss your vision!

Once you determine what you would like your app to accomplish, discuss it with our team or one of our project managers...

In this phase, we'll discuss the merits and obstacles about your vision with honesty, clarity and enthusiasm. Our goal is to help you fully flesh out your vision and ideas, so we can develop an effective plan of execution to make it a reality. In this phase, the "big picture" matters more than the minute details.

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Phase 2: We establish a plan of action!

In this phase, our development team will focus its energies into developing a plan for a prototype app that will meet the minimum functionality requirements....

In tech-world jargon, this is known as the MVP, which means "Minimally Viable Product". Our mission in this phase is to keep the development process lean and mean to achieve MVP status for your app. With the prototype completed, we can then do some real-world testing with you, the client, involved in the process.

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Phase 3: Further Develop, Enhance The App Product.

Up to this point, we have been making sure that all functionality goals are met, the project is kept within budget, and milestones are being reached by deadlines...

Our development team will now focus its energies into refining the product and shipping the fully-operational version of your app. Once that's done, we'll do another round of real-world testing. User feedback will be critical to ensuring that the app project stays on track.

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Phase 4: Launch Your App!

By this stage, your app is ready for prime-time. It's been fully-tested and tweaked, and our development team is confident that it's ready for your customers and end users...

After launch, we'll periodically check in with you to ensure that the app is functioning properly and efficiently. We will also make update recommendations, assess bug reports and so on, to ensure quality control. We remain committed to ensuring that like a fine wine, your app will continue to improve over time.

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By Expert Designers
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Are You Looking For Something Else? handles everything according to your needs and budget.

We fully test each site that we complete on all mobile platforms, including IOS (Iphone / Ipad), Android, and Windows Phone to ensure full compliance and functionality. To Start The Process, Please Submit An Inquiry Below To Provide Us Some Details. One of our developers or project managers will contact you at your convenience to discuss your project! There is no cost or obligation!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Web development broadly refers to the tasks associated with developing websites for hosting via intranet or Internet. The Web development process includes Web design, Web content development, client-side/server-side scripting and network security configuration, among other tasks.

What we recommend is that you focus on what you know best, that is your business and the message you want to deliver with the Website. And we will handle the technicalities of building a good Website. That's what our designers do BEST. Working together, you'll have a better Website, in less time, at a lower cost.

A Website acts as a promotional tool that helps you to promote your business among a global audience. It helps in establishing a brand identity since a Website increases credibility of your business. You become more competitive since most of the businesses are establishing their presence over the Internet and you cannot afford to stay behind.

You get to keep the source code with the complete assurance that complete secrecy is provided for the source code.

Web development broadly refers to the tasks associated with developing websites for hosting via intranet or Internet. The Web development process includes Web design, Web content development, client-side/server-side scripting and network security configuration, among other tasks.

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